Polymer Clay Canes for Beginners

27 videos, step by step, beginner cane workshop beginner Cane Tutorial What people are saying about this tutorial. jennifer rose Just finished this first workshop on how to make canes, and I must say I learned so much. This is exactly what I have been looking for, someone who could explain cane making in a step by step that process that I could replicate. I watched the videos, went into my studio and began to create all of the canes Alice showed. I finally have results I can be proud of, and I say thank you so much for doing this workshop. My only question now is when do we get more workshops. If you are only going to take one online class let it be this workshop. Thank you Alice for your hard work, and your dedication to helping others learn the joys of polymer clay.

Online Workshops with Alice Stroppel


Member IPCA

Member IPCA

OAPCG Clay Fandango Volunteer Committee

Having worked as director of my local Art League plus various other jobs that include set up, organization and manpower, and don’t forget the dreaded……clean up, I can tell you that this group made the Orlando Clay Fandango Retreat 2010 a dream for both students and teachers.

I want to thank the group you are about to see in the following video, Eva Walker, Nancy Welch, Brenda Moldthan, Nita Baker, Tanya Johnson, Mary Jenkins, as well as all the volunteers that aren’t in the video. I had a marvelous time and I can’t think of one person that didn’t come away from the experience with clay under their finger nails and a smile on their face. It was that much fun.

I wanted to show you these wonderful people who made my claying possible and brightened each day with their smiles.  Thanks ladies!

I did say in the video that we were in Orlando, when in fact we were at Lake Yale Baptist Conference Center outside of Leesburg, Florida. Three day of very little sleep and lots of clay, makes my brain do strange things.  But other than that, I’m telling the truth…….it was Sterling.

p.s. they’re taking deposits for next year and you can save $25.00 by signing up before the 30th of April, 2010.

Construct a Hair Cane to Go With My Profile Face Cane – Video

Here’s a little lesson about a hair cane to go with my Profile Face Cane Tutorial. You don’t have to purchase my tutorial, you can use this type of cane for your own face cane. This video is over 12 minutes long, so grab a cup of tea or coffee and take a break. The first part shows you how to build the cane and the second part shows you how to apply a straight bob and a wavy hair style to your faces.
If you don’t have a face cane that you already make, or have just been thinking about learning how to build a face cane, I promise you, my Profile Face Cane is really easy. And judging from the feed back from happy customers, I think the instructions are easy to follow.
So……if you decide that you just have to make one, there’s a link to my Etsy shop in the upper left hand corner of this page.

First Sales Made for Tutorial – Profile Face Cane

Profile Face coverThanks to all of you that ordered my first face cane tutorial. I’d love to hear from you after you watch the video and make your first cane.

The Profile Face Cane Tutorial is for sale in my Etsy Store.

Profile Face Cane Tutorial Ready for Purchase

Profile Face cover

My Profile Face Cane Tutorial is ready for you to purchase and begin to make your own fabulous faces.

The instructions include –

7 pages of detailed step by step instruction with drawings, photos and patterns.

A 40 minute video showing exactly how to do each step.

Video front cover

You can place your order through Etsy

go to my shop


you’ll see the front cover of the Instruction Booklet listed there for sale.

You will receive an email from me within  24 hours.
(except on Thanksgiving and Christmas days.)

Thank you in advance!

Baking Polymer Clay – Video

I was loading my baking pan the other day and thought that there may be some fairly new clayers out there that might be helped by seeing how I bake my clay. The following video involves a standard oven and a toaster oven. I have never baked my clay in a convection oven, but I know many clayers do. If you want information about convection ovens, you’ll have to do a search. Don’t worry there is lots of information out there.

In the film I mention several colors of clay that tend to burn and what I do to prevent that happening. I failed to mention translucent clay, so mentally add that to the list while you are watching.

Just to remind you, don’t forget to use your timer, you do not, seriously do not, want to burn the clay. Trust me, I know from experience. Don’t forget to use a tile, it helps to distribute the heat.

Be sure and check out my other videos. Enjoy!

Video of the Discovery Launch

My husband work at Cape Kennedy during the late 1960s and early 70s. We met during that time and were married. The fights to the moon and the Apollo missions were apart of our lives. It was an exciting time and we are still excited when another flight goes into space.

We watch each launch from our balcony hundreds of miles away from the Cape. I wanted to share this one with you. Don’t worry, The film is short, about a minute.

Okay, so what does the space shuttle have to do with polymer clay? I think without the kind of science that went into sending a man to the moon, polymer clay wouldn’t have been developed. Alright, I’m stretching I know………

Found Objects and Polymer Clay – Video

Bakers Man

Baker Man

Boy have I had fun the last few days. Filming the video on found objects and polymer clay really got me excited about all the projects that I have promised myself I was going to do when I wasn’t working anymore. So watch out..I might be on a roll. I say might because I always have great intentions.

I could have made this video an hour longer, I had that many found objects that I could have shared with you, but I figured you would thank me if I kept it at 15 minutes.

The photo above is just one of the projects that I used some of my found objects on. Kitchen items from my husband’s grandmother and a necklace from a garage sale. I love using items that have meaning to members of my family. He is going to hang on the Christmas tree and once a year we will be reminded of grandma and the fabulous things she use to make for the holidays. Easter pie was a favorite, even for Christmas.

Embellished Book

Embellished Book

This photo is of an old flea market book and one of the pieces I made in this video. Old watch part from my dad, who is no longer with us, fabulous magnifying spectacles that belong to a long ago relative.  A great coffee table book.  Enjoy the video!

Found Objects to Use With Polymer Clay

Found Objects

Several days ago, I promised you a video showing how to use objects you might have around the house to imprint polymer clay projects. Or you may want to use that interesting found object to embellish one of your creations.

I “found” all of these items while I was clean out and cleaning up. You might say I “re-found” them. Most are things I have collected over the years because they were interesting and I just knew one day I’d “make something from them”. ( I think there is a name for this illness……..most of you have it too I think!)  Some are just everyday items.

Even my husbands work space didn’t escape the scavenger hunt……don’t tell him though, he gets scared when I venture into his garage with that look on my face.

Today, I’m working on samples and tomorrow or the next day I’ll post the video. Start looking around you, I know you’ll find lots of things to play with. Roll out some fresh clay and experiment. Or be ready with your treasures for when you watch my new video and we can experiment together.

Just remember, if you use something from your kitchen for clay, you won’t want to use it again for food.

Cover a Business Card Case With Polymer Clay – Video

Are you like Arlene Harrison? Do you have business card cases that you purchased and they’re still in the box they came in. Okay, maybe you opened the box.

(Of course you did, what was I thinking, we are internet ordering specialist aren’t we? When the boxes come, we open before the mailman can get out of the driveway.)

But maybe you just didn’t exactly know how to apply the polymer clay to the case. So you thought about them for awhile. Then you thought about them some more. Then you forgot about them.

Then one day you came across them in the bottom of the drawer or the back of the closet. How did they get there?  You promise yourself you are going to do something with them soon. Hey, if they were going to make great Christmas presents last year, well, they still will this year right? You have plenty of time, it’s only July.

You put them on top of everything else in the drawer. If they’re on top, you’ll be sure to see them now and you’ll get around to figuring them out soon.

Well, procrastinate no more. After Arlene watched my video she finished her “closet” cases and you can too. Who knows, you might even purchase more. I purchase mine at Polymer Clay Projects.

Watch the video below and combine this technique with your favorite polymer clay technique to create your own fabulous cases. Enjoy!

I’d love it if you’d leave a comment now and then to let me know how you like my videos and maybe a picture of what you do with your cases.

If you enjoy this video, be sure and take a look at my other videos.

Arlene Harrison’s Polymer Clay Business Card Cases

Business Card Cases

Business Card Cases

After Arlene Harrison signed up for my newsletter and my video showing how I cover business card cases, she emailed me saying that she had some cases that she just hadn’t gotten around to doing.

Yesterday she emailed me the picture above of the cases she finished after watching my video. I don’t claim to have influenced her polymer clay work, but if I helped with anything, then that’s a good thing.

Arlene has been a featured artist on the website of Polymer Clay Artists Guild of Etsy.
She “found” PC about Three years ago. Well…I think “you’ve come a long way lady” in only three years.

Visit her Etsy Shop or her blog, Harrison Hollow Designs, and more of her work on her Picture Trail Site. Arlene is also a member of  the Central Mississippi Polymer Clay Guild.

I’ll be posting the Business Card Holder Video soon here for everyone. I’ve replaced it on my newsletter signup with the Fish Mosaic tutorial video.

Thank you Arlene for taking the time to share your cases with me.