Polymer Clay Canes for Beginners

27 videos, step by step, beginner cane workshop beginner Cane Tutorial What people are saying about this tutorial. jennifer rose Just finished this first workshop on how to make canes, and I must say I learned so much. This is exactly what I have been looking for, someone who could explain cane making in a step by step that process that I could replicate. I watched the videos, went into my studio and began to create all of the canes Alice showed. I finally have results I can be proud of, and I say thank you so much for doing this workshop. My only question now is when do we get more workshops. If you are only going to take one online class let it be this workshop. Thank you Alice for your hard work, and your dedication to helping others learn the joys of polymer clay.

Online Workshops with Alice Stroppel


Member IPCA

Member IPCA

Polymer Clay – Talk About Using It All!!

Orange and Purple Polymer Clay

Orange and Purple Polymer Clay

This should be added to my Don’t Waste That Little Bit of Skinner Blend video. I had some old skinner blend sheets that I made a couple of months ago and was going to get back to them right away. So instead of storing them in the loose leaf binder under the protective sheets, I just put them between sheet of deli sheets. After all I was going to get right back to them. Right?

I “found” them today and decided to finish them up, make some canes from them. Well, they were pretty dry. The deli sheets had leached them pretty badly.

I worked with them and turned them into plugs and logs. When I trimmed the ends, because they were so dry, I ended up with these fluffy little flower shapes. I started to smash them, but if you know me at all, you know I had to save them some how. So I added this one to the bracelet above.

I also added the first cut from either side of a skinner plug. It won’t win a prize, but it’s interesting, full of texture, and kind of funky.

Made me start to think of ways to create texture in my work that’s different from using a texture sheet or pressing things into the clay. More organic….hmmm…

First Slice From Face Cane Used in Tutorial

First Slice of Tutorial Cane

First Slice of Tutorial Cane

This face is the first slice I took from the cane I made during the filming of the Profile Face Cane Tutorial. I finished her hair and hat today because I have her sold. I’m doing some faces for a shop in New Orleans. How fun is that?

If you think you might want to make some face canes, look up to the left and the link will take you to my Etsy Shop where you can order your tutorial now and watch it before the day is over. It really is kinda fun.

Another Red Head

Another Red Head

I also finished this redhead for the New Orleans Shop. She was a slice from the profile face cane I made months ago. Remember that post?

I still have the other two girls waiting too. It may take me awhile, but I usually finish things I start. Sometimes, maybe, depends. Oh shoot, I have tons of things sitting around waiting to be finished. But they will have to wait. I have an order to fill!!!

Profile Face Cane Tutorial Ready for Purchase

Profile Face cover

My Profile Face Cane Tutorial is ready for you to purchase and begin to make your own fabulous faces.

The instructions include –

7 pages of detailed step by step instruction with drawings, photos and patterns.

A 40 minute video showing exactly how to do each step.

Video front cover

You can place your order through Etsy

go to my shop


you’ll see the front cover of the Instruction Booklet listed there for sale.

You will receive an email from me within  24 hours.
(except on Thanksgiving and Christmas days.)

Thank you in advance!

Baking Polymer Clay – Video

I was loading my baking pan the other day and thought that there may be some fairly new clayers out there that might be helped by seeing how I bake my clay. The following video involves a standard oven and a toaster oven. I have never baked my clay in a convection oven, but I know many clayers do. If you want information about convection ovens, you’ll have to do a search. Don’t worry there is lots of information out there.

In the film I mention several colors of clay that tend to burn and what I do to prevent that happening. I failed to mention translucent clay, so mentally add that to the list while you are watching.

Just to remind you, don’t forget to use your timer, you do not, seriously do not, want to burn the clay. Trust me, I know from experience. Don’t forget to use a tile, it helps to distribute the heat.

Be sure and check out my other videos. Enjoy!

More About Color Inspirations by Lindly Haunani and Maggie Maggio


After spending more time with this new color primer, I can’t wait to try some of the exercises. I’ve done some of them before from Maggie’s website and videos, but there is so much more in the book and I can’t wait to continue to experiment. Maggie has three videos that will help you when you get to Chapter Five, Mixing Colors That Flow.

The first video is Color Scales Tutorial and found on Maggie’s website. The second is Color Scales II Playing with Color Scales and I could only find it on You Tube! The last is, Color Scale Triangles in Polymer Clay.

These are wonderful videos and will help you, but having the book brings it all together. The long awaited book is finally available at Amazon today

I’m most excited that Maggie will be posting  Weekend Extras on her blog, to encourage you to go through each of the exercises in the book. She will start with tips for the very first exercise, “Testing Package Colors.”  you will be able to ask questions and post comments.

Lindly’s blog is full of color information and links, with a fabulous link to Dulux paint in the UK with a color system that is really helpful.

Found Objects and Polymer Clay – Video

Bakers Man

Baker Man

Boy have I had fun the last few days. Filming the video on found objects and polymer clay really got me excited about all the projects that I have promised myself I was going to do when I wasn’t working anymore. So watch out..I might be on a roll. I say might because I always have great intentions.

I could have made this video an hour longer, I had that many found objects that I could have shared with you, but I figured you would thank me if I kept it at 15 minutes.

The photo above is just one of the projects that I used some of my found objects on. Kitchen items from my husband’s grandmother and a necklace from a garage sale. I love using items that have meaning to members of my family. He is going to hang on the Christmas tree and once a year we will be reminded of grandma and the fabulous things she use to make for the holidays. Easter pie was a favorite, even for Christmas.

Embellished Book

Embellished Book

This photo is of an old flea market book and one of the pieces I made in this video. Old watch part from my dad, who is no longer with us, fabulous magnifying spectacles that belong to a long ago relative.  A great coffee table book.  Enjoy the video!

Found Objects to Use With Polymer Clay

Found Objects

Several days ago, I promised you a video showing how to use objects you might have around the house to imprint polymer clay projects. Or you may want to use that interesting found object to embellish one of your creations.

I “found” all of these items while I was clean out and cleaning up. You might say I “re-found” them. Most are things I have collected over the years because they were interesting and I just knew one day I’d “make something from them”. ( I think there is a name for this illness……..most of you have it too I think!)  Some are just everyday items.

Even my husbands work space didn’t escape the scavenger hunt……don’t tell him though, he gets scared when I venture into his garage with that look on my face.

Today, I’m working on samples and tomorrow or the next day I’ll post the video. Start looking around you, I know you’ll find lots of things to play with. Roll out some fresh clay and experiment. Or be ready with your treasures for when you watch my new video and we can experiment together.

Just remember, if you use something from your kitchen for clay, you won’t want to use it again for food.

Winner – Polymer Clay Fish Mosaic Contest

The winner of the Summer Fish Mosaic Contest is

Adrienne Lindsey

Adrienne Lindsey

Adrienne Lindsey's Winning Fish Mosaic

I love this fish, the colors are so vibrant and full of contrast. Our judge, watercolor artist Janet King, said that it was hard to choose a winner, but she really like the red color choice in Adrienne’s fish. I want to thank my friend Janet for taking the time to be our judge. Janet is a fabulous watercolor artist and  instructor. Please take the time to visit her site and spend some time with her paintings. This bird painting is one of my favorites of Janet’s and represents her humor. See why I asked her to be our judge and why she is my friend?

Adrienne will be receiving the perfume pen in the mail very soon. Thank you Adrienne for the time you spent with your fish. Adrienne was the first to enter a fish and she enjoyed it so much she made another and entered it too. As you can see it paid off, she won!! We do improve with age. (At least with polymer clay)

Thank you to the rest of you who entered this summer contest. I wish I could post all your photos. It was such fun to receive the fish photos in my in-box. But I think what I enjoyed most was talking with so many wonderful people out there that share this crazy passion for polymer clay. Or maybe it’s just the shared love of making things with our hands. The creative process is such a healing, exciting, self affirming activity that it is a necessity for our very being.

Several people told me that this project has rekindled the creativity spark in them. What a compliment for me and an affirmation for  just starting something creative. Thanks again.

I did want to show another fish that came very close to winning that I felt I needed to share it. Laura Lang’s fish is beautifully done and I enjoy her color choices. Thanks, Laura for entering.

Laura Lang's Entry

Laura Lang's Entry

If you want join in the on going adventure, simply sign up for my newsletter at the top right hand side of this page and watch the video.

Covering Glass With Polymer Clay

My First Covered Vase 2001

My First Covered Vase 2001

Color Vase 2

Color Vase 2

Someone asked me the other day how I came up with the fish mosaic technique. I thought about the progression that led me to create that first fish.

The Color Vase in this post was covered with polymer clay canes by me in 2001 and even listed on Glass Attic. It was my first polymer clay work to be shown on the internet and let me tell you,  I was thrilled.

It was when I still had my old business website, Talented Friends. The link is no longer active to say the least, but the listing is still there on Glass Attic under covering glass.

Color Vase 3

Color Vase 3

From this vase, I covered many other things and experimented with all sorts of techniques that I saw online or in books or classes.

Several years ago, while I was director of Highlands Art League, we were having  a members exhibit and I wanted to do something in PC. I decided I didn’t want to cover an entire vase, I just didn’t have the time. Plus I thought there had to be an easier way to create the designs with clay than trying to do it on the actual vase.

I wanted the design to be recognizable, and something that would lend itself to cane work. I drew out a fish shape on paper and taped it under a flat piece of glass. From there I created the fish vase below and displayed it in our members show along with the Color Vase and two other vases I had done over the years.

Fish Vase Art League

Fish Vase Art League

I stepped away from the art league late last year because of my husband’s health. I was home now and had time to actually grow my clay work and expand my horizons. I opened an Etsy shop and decided to try and make small things that I could sell in my Etsy shop and went to clip art for my general pattern for the fish and even a crab. One thing always leads to another as you can see by the cuff bracelet I did this week with the same technique.

This fish led me to share this technique with you. By signing up for my newsletter on the right hand side of the page,  you can view the 20 minute film showing the technique I used to achieved this design. I hope you decide to enter my contest too.

What I have discovered is that nothing replaces just getting your hands in the clay and letting the work evolve. One idea will lead to another. Be bold, experiment, enjoy the process. I know I do.

Group of Vase shown at Highlands Art League 2007

Group of Vases shown at Highlands Art League 2007

A Summer Polymer Clay Contest for Newsletter Members

It’s hot, it’s summer, and since I’ve had such positive feed back from my new Fish Mosaic video, I decided that maybe we should have some summer fun.

I’m challenging my newsletter members to create a fish mosaic of their own. I’m giving away the following perfume pen to the winner of the contest. To use the pen, you simply hold the wick in your favorite perfume for about a minute. Screw on the top and it’s ready to go with you anywhere,  tucked into your purse. I love mine, it’s even small enough to stick in your pocket.

The winner’s fish will be posted here in August with a link to their blog, website, Etsy store, and/or flicker account.

If you are already a member of my newsletter list, your should have already received instructions for entering the contest in the July issue.

If you aren’t a member yet and want to join in the fun, simply sign up for my free newsletter on the upper right hand side of this page, view the video and follow the instructions that will be sent to you in the July newsletter. It’s free, and it’s easy.

I’ll keep you posted………..

Perfume pin open