Polymer Clay Canes for Beginners

27 videos, step by step, beginner cane workshop beginner Cane Tutorial What people are saying about this tutorial. jennifer rose Just finished this first workshop on how to make canes, and I must say I learned so much. This is exactly what I have been looking for, someone who could explain cane making in a step by step that process that I could replicate. I watched the videos, went into my studio and began to create all of the canes Alice showed. I finally have results I can be proud of, and I say thank you so much for doing this workshop. My only question now is when do we get more workshops. If you are only going to take one online class let it be this workshop. Thank you Alice for your hard work, and your dedication to helping others learn the joys of polymer clay.

Online Workshops with Alice Stroppel


Member IPCA

Member IPCA

Experimental Flowers Because of Experimental Face Cane

Experimental Flowers - Alice Stroppel

Experimental Flowers

I love the way these flowers and leaves turned out. I had this idea while making the face cane. I can’t wait to use them on something else.

Flowers and Leaves - Alice Stroppel

Flowers and Leaves

I made some canes that look like caladium leaves and want to make something for the Caladium Festival Poster contest in Lake Placid. Lake Placid is just south of us and is the caladium capital of the world. They are truly a colorful beautiful plant. Let’s hope I  get around to it.

Artists Day At Sebring High School

Polymer Clay Head - Alice Stroppel

Polymer Clay Head - Alice Stroppel

I had a great time at Sebring High School yesterday. It always surprises me that there are so many people that don’t know anything about polymer clay. The number one question is “what is it made of”.

I took the head above , my 3 foot tall tourist man below, my face canes and lots of bracelets, vases and things. The kids were very receptive to the medium and Steve Vandam, one of the art teachers at SHS, asked if I would come demo pc for his classes. I’m excited to be asked and can’t wait.

Tourist - Alice Stroppel

Tourist - Alice Stroppel

The second thing people ask is “how long did it take you to make that”. Now this one is pretty much impossible to answer usually. Unless you are mass producing something, it’s hard to figure the time, at least for me. I don’t write it down and so it’s soon forgotten. I’ve tried so many different things, who can remember?

Third thing that is so difficult to answer is “What inspires you?”. Everything……………..anything……..

I gave my card to several of the art students and ask them to take a look at both this blog and my other one, The Figurative Artbeat. I wonder how many actually have.

If any students are reading this, please leave me a comment and let me know you stopped by, I’ll be thrilled.

Polymer Clay Face Cane Experiment May Never End

Polymer Clay Face Cane - Alice Stroppel

Okay, now I’ve totally lost my focus and plan to stop this and move to Plan B – making another face cane. But before I do, I’ve baked the face then made these flowers, put it all back in the oven again and am waiting for it to cure. I don’t think they go with her at all, not painterly enough, so I might not leave them with her. I don’t think they go with the canvas I painted either. But it’s all about experimenting until I’m happy. Can’t learn if you don’t try.

I am easily distracted today,  lots of company this week and last, but it’s been great. Plus I’m going to artists day at the Sebring High School tomorrow.  I’ll set up my work beside other local artist and answer questions from the art students. I’m always excited to share what I do with people and the kids are so interested.  You should see the work they produce, seriously wonderful. Their teachers deserve a great deal of credit.  So I need to gather my things and get ready.

An order from Boston Clay Works came today and included was one of their new eye class cases. I am thinking about what I want to cover it with while I’m still thinking about this face cane. I’m worse than I was when I was a kid and always jumping from one thing to another. so it’s kind of funny that I’m going back to my high school tomorrow.

But the bottom line is…..uh…….I’m sure you don’t want to hear me say I’m having fun one more time…..but I am.

Experimenting With the First Slice of Polymer Clay Face Cane

 Polymer Clay Angel on Canvas - Alice Stroppel

Polymer Clay Angel on Canvas Part 1

I didn’t have as much time today as I wanted to spend with my face cane. Had to help with some yard work. It felt good to be outside in the wonderful weather. I did have time to paint this canvas and mess around with her neck and blouse. Colors still aren’t right, but I’m just going ahead with her and after she’s baked I’ll shade in under her chin with some wash.

I need to add wings and I want to do some flowers or something. I’m going to cure what I have so far and then add the other elements. I’m finding because I’ve been handling this one so much I need to get it cured.

I have been inspired by several folk artists and am trying to create my own folk angels. One of my favorite artists is Campbell Jane, I just love her work.

Anyway, more to come………..

First slice of New Polymer Clay Face Cane by Alice Stroppel

First Slice Face Cane - Alice Stroppel

First Slice Face Cane - Alice Stroppel

I spent hours messing around with this face cane. I finally decided I wanted to move on and start all over again. So I quickly added lips and called it a day. It not exactly what I had in mind. But I learned a lot and will begin experiment #2 on Monday. This is the first slice.

But as usual with my face canes, she has grown on me. So I added hair, a neck and some old pc butterfly wing. Nothing is baked and her shirt is just a piece of skinner blend I threw on there for the picture. With this cane I was trying to get a folk art angel look, it’s almost there, but I’m not finished yet.  (that’s funny, I probably will never be finished, what a silly thing to say. )

Face Cane with Hair - Alice Stroppel

Face Cane with Hair - Alice Stroppel

Even though I wanted to move on and start another face cane, I couldn’t resist playing around by adding the wings. And possibly tomorrow, a halo. Anyway, I’m good with her, I learned…so on to the next step. Oh by the way, part of the reason what I wanted to achieve didn’t quite happen is she’s just too big. with hair and neck she’s about 7″ long, now that’s big. The next one will start smaller.

Polymer Clay Face Canes – The Beginning

My first face cane - Alice Stroppel

My first face cane - Alice Stroppel

I know…you’re wondering why on earth I would post this vase with these kind of scary looking faces on it. Well to tell the truth, they’ve grown on me and I wouldn’t trade them for the world. They remind me of the journey.

I made this first face cane over ten years ago. I didn’t put a date on this vase so I’m guessing. This vase still makes me laugh, in fact the better I get at making face canes, the more I laugh when I see these girls.

I thought they were wonderful. They didn’t turn out anything like I wanted. I wanted this cane to be beautiful, painterly, with gradual color change, but as you can see…………….but it didn’t matter, I actually took colored clay messed around with it and made this face that when I sliced through the cane, I got face after face. I was so excited. Are you kidding me? It was the coolest thing, I was hooked. Even though I was working somewhere else, I continued to work on my face canes.

My friends had to put up with me giving them things with very strange faces on them. My mother who loves beautiful angels was shocked I know, when I gave her a bracelet made of face beads. They were not beautiful angels, but yet another test face cane.  But bless her, she smiled and said thank you. So that’s why I made this first “pretty” faced angel for her. I think she’ll like this better and forgive me for giving her the others.

I also didn’t know very much about the clay.  The eyes are made with translucent clay and the rest of the face with regular. Today I know it’s better to try to use the same type of clay or a mixture of both.

As you can see by my post from the other day, I’ve been working on another face. Even though I’m very happy with the  way I finally figured out to make faces, and I really enjoy sharing the process in my Profile Face Cane Tutorial, I still want to make a face that is painterly, with more color. So I’m experimenting. I haven’t got it right yet, but when I do I’ll post pictures.

I’ll work on it for an hour or two, mixing colors and trying to figure out an easy way to do it so I can make another tutorial, then walk away for awhile.

In the middle of the night I woke up and started thinking about how I could accomplish the look  I was trying to achieve and another idea hit me for something not even related to the face. So yesterday I spent time playing with that idea before I forgot it. geez…….

But it’s all good, I’m where I’m suppose to be, doing what I’m suppose to be doing, taking as long as I need, it’s all fun and a great adventure. I ask you, what more could I ask for.

This week is my birthday week, there are parties planned and things to do. I’m thankful! Thank you for stopping by today!

How to Attach Your Polymer Clay Artwork to a Metal Bracelet Blank

Here’s a new video showing how to attach pc to metal bracelet blanks. Just a quick note, I get my bracelet blanks from The Clay Store. Tell them I sent you.

New Face Cane in Polymer Clay!

Eye Cane for New Face Cane  - Alice Stroppel

Eye Cane for New Face Cane - Alice Stroppel

Okay guys, here’s a peek at what’s on my work table. A new face cane with a new look. I don’t want to show you everything I’ve done yet because I’m still working out colors. I think it looks kind of painterly don’t you?

That’s it for today and I’m going to try to stay away from the net so I can get those colors mixed.

tejae floyde’s Polymer Artists Showcase

Polymer Artists Showcase - tejae floyde

Polymer Artists Showcase - tejae floyde

tejae floyde spent  many hours gathering polymer clay designs for her beautiful new book, Polymer Artists Showcase, released just this week. I was fortunate to have my work featured 3 times in what is truly a delightful assemblage of artwork from around the world.

This ” inspiring collection of polymer art designs” include artists such as Maureen Carlson, Laura Bocchi, Marcia Palmer, Kylee Milner, Julie Picarello, Mira (Pinki) Krispil, Barb Fajardo and of course, tejae floyde herself, plus so many more I can’t list them all here.

You can order this book by clicking here, or take some time to learn more about tejae and her art by visiting her blog, or visit her flickr site to take a look at her heart that went to Synergy II this year.

Thank you tejae.

Angel From Polymer Clay Face Cane

Angel - Alice Stroppel

Angel - Alice Stroppel

This is the first thing made from my face cane from Barbara McGuire’s class. It’s  a 5 x 5 plaque headed for my mother’s house.

I certainly enjoyed making this angel, and I’m sure I’ll be making many more things from this face cane. But right now I’m mixing colors and putting together a face that I have been dreaming of for years. Wish me luck and stay tuned, you never know what I’ll come up with.