Polymer Clay Canes for Beginners

27 videos, step by step, beginner cane workshop beginner Cane Tutorial What people are saying about this tutorial. jennifer rose Just finished this first workshop on how to make canes, and I must say I learned so much. This is exactly what I have been looking for, someone who could explain cane making in a step by step that process that I could replicate. I watched the videos, went into my studio and began to create all of the canes Alice showed. I finally have results I can be proud of, and I say thank you so much for doing this workshop. My only question now is when do we get more workshops. If you are only going to take one online class let it be this workshop. Thank you Alice for your hard work, and your dedication to helping others learn the joys of polymer clay.

Online Workshops with Alice Stroppel


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Polymer Clay Face Cane Bracelet #2

Polymer Clay Face Cane Bracelet #2 - Alice Stroppel

Polymer Clay Face Cane Bracelet #2

My second bracelet made with this face cane. When I was reducing the larger cane to make the altered art piece, I had to cut some of the ends off and had half a face. Staying true to my thought process of  “never throwing anything away if I can find a way to use it”, I tried it on a bracelet blank and TA DA!!!! More face cane bracelets. What a surprise from me!

Polymer Clay Face Cane Bracelet #2 - Hat-forehead- Alice Stroppel


I am going to try some other pieces of jewelry even though I have always said I didn’t really want to make lots of jewelry, my face just lend themselves to it. I just haven’t had all the right equipment and supplies needed, but I have been slowly adding things for necklaces etc.

My friend Laquita Carter is coming on Friday again for a clay day. She teaches clay classes at Bonita Bead in Bonita Springs. Maybe she’ll show me a trick or two. Laquita, are you listening?

Polymer Clay Face Cane Bracelet #2 - hat - Alice Stroppel


I used the canes I made the other day from an idea that came to me while I was making this face cane. It was fun using them as hat feathers. The little balls are made with more end scraps I didn’t throw away because …well because I might need them for something like this.

Polymer Clay Face Cane Bracelet #2 - Blouse - Alice Stroppel


I saved all the canes and the little bit a scrap together in a plastic drawer as shown in this video How to Store Polymer Clay Canes. That way I have the canes, the scraps and any left over colored clay so that I could make another cane or just little balls that match.

I  didn’t use any old jewelry on this one, It was late and I could decide on a piece. Finally I did decide ….. nothing for this girl, the canes were enough.

In the last post I said I was going to sleep really well last night. HA! Not when the wheel of creativity are turning. Here we go again, Fun!

Experimenting With the First Slice of Polymer Clay Face Cane

 Polymer Clay Angel on Canvas - Alice Stroppel

Polymer Clay Angel on Canvas Part 1

I didn’t have as much time today as I wanted to spend with my face cane. Had to help with some yard work. It felt good to be outside in the wonderful weather. I did have time to paint this canvas and mess around with her neck and blouse. Colors still aren’t right, but I’m just going ahead with her and after she’s baked I’ll shade in under her chin with some wash.

I need to add wings and I want to do some flowers or something. I’m going to cure what I have so far and then add the other elements. I’m finding because I’ve been handling this one so much I need to get it cured.

I have been inspired by several folk artists and am trying to create my own folk angels. One of my favorite artists is Campbell Jane, I just love her work.

Anyway, more to come………..

First slice of New Polymer Clay Face Cane by Alice Stroppel

First Slice Face Cane - Alice Stroppel

First Slice Face Cane - Alice Stroppel

I spent hours messing around with this face cane. I finally decided I wanted to move on and start all over again. So I quickly added lips and called it a day. It not exactly what I had in mind. But I learned a lot and will begin experiment #2 on Monday. This is the first slice.

But as usual with my face canes, she has grown on me. So I added hair, a neck and some old pc butterfly wing. Nothing is baked and her shirt is just a piece of skinner blend I threw on there for the picture. With this cane I was trying to get a folk art angel look, it’s almost there, but I’m not finished yet.  (that’s funny, I probably will never be finished, what a silly thing to say. )

Face Cane with Hair - Alice Stroppel

Face Cane with Hair - Alice Stroppel

Even though I wanted to move on and start another face cane, I couldn’t resist playing around by adding the wings. And possibly tomorrow, a halo. Anyway, I’m good with her, I learned…so on to the next step. Oh by the way, part of the reason what I wanted to achieve didn’t quite happen is she’s just too big. with hair and neck she’s about 7″ long, now that’s big. The next one will start smaller.