Polymer Clay Canes for Beginners

27 videos, step by step, beginner cane workshop beginner Cane Tutorial What people are saying about this tutorial. jennifer rose Just finished this first workshop on how to make canes, and I must say I learned so much. This is exactly what I have been looking for, someone who could explain cane making in a step by step that process that I could replicate. I watched the videos, went into my studio and began to create all of the canes Alice showed. I finally have results I can be proud of, and I say thank you so much for doing this workshop. My only question now is when do we get more workshops. If you are only going to take one online class let it be this workshop. Thank you Alice for your hard work, and your dedication to helping others learn the joys of polymer clay.

Online Workshops with Alice Stroppel


Member IPCA

Member IPCA

Teaching My Profile Face Cane at Orlando Area Polymer Clay Guild

The Orlando Area Polymer Clay Guild is sponsoring my Profile Face Cane Class on September 25th, 2010. As a special bonus for the Orlando Guild, I’m including the links to my  Profile Face Cane Tutorial. That’s a step by step pdf with colored instructions and a 40 minute video. There is a maximum of 20 students.  Please contact OAPCG for more information.

If you know the Orlando group, you know we are going to have fun. So bring your sense of humor and your pasta machine because these women will make you laugh and I’ll show you how to create some real characters.

Profile Face Cane - Cuff Bracelet

Profile Face Cane - Cuff Bracelet

Here’s a new bracelet finished yesterday, she’s fun and colorful and looking for a home.  A character for sure, I’m posting this bracelet on my Etsy Site.

Other samples of my profile face cane.

Two Girls Salt and Pepper Shakers
Red Headed Girl Cuff Bracelet

Red Headed Girl Cuff Bracelet

My Polymer Clay Class With Christi Friesen at Orlando Clay Fandango

My Mirror from Christi Friesen's Class

Day three at Orlando Clay Fandango puts Christi Friesen at the teachers desk. By this time my class had our heads full of color blends and sheeting and slicing and drilling and we are ready for Christi. And she is ready for us.

We get straight to the fun part, playin’ and smoshin’ and pinchin’ the clay. We all become clay warriors, fighting with nothing by our fingers and our sense of design.

I think most of us in my classroom planned it this way..Sarah first, so we would be mentally fresh to understand the complexities for her techniques, Julie, because we still needed the edge to comprehend her methods and then..tada…Christi, freedom from perfectly placed and constructed clay.

by this time we are crazy funny, all of us, with Christi putting us over the top. To describe her sculpting techniques she uses technical words like, “wiggly scribbly stuff, mossy bits and funky stack-up and bead plant thingys.” Thingys being a favorite word of mine for a very long time and I am proud to say I use it often.

But don’t think that this was not a serious class with serious stuff to learn, oh no…. many of my fellow classmates worked until almost 11:00pm, not because it was hard..oh no..but because they were having such a great time creating Friesen-like masterpieces. And trust me, some of them were more than fabulous.

Me? I was following the instructors around trying to gather them up for a video. Actually it took me two days to do it. “Yeah Alice, right after supper.” “In ten minutes Alice.”  “After my demo, I promise.” “I just have to finish showing everyone how to make this mouse. Alice, geez….”Okay, here we are, where do you want us?” “Your extention cord doesn’t work, Alice are you kidding?”

What a great group, seriously, it wasn’t about them, it was about making sure their students were taken care of first. Ya’ gotta admire that. Thanks ladies, it was worth it.

Oh yeah, Christi, if you want to laugh, this is the instructor, if you want to unleash your inner, playful, creative soul, this is the instructor. If you have a chance to take  a class with Christi, don’t hesitate, you’ll have a blast.

Visit Christi’s website for more information, to buy her products and to see if she’s coming to a location near you!

Polymer Clay Class with Sarah Shriver at Orlando Clay Fandango

My items from Sarah Shiver's Class

My first class at Orlando Clay Fandango was with Sarah Shriver. We learned “to mix beautiful colors of polymer clay using Sarah’s in depth Skinner blending techniques”.

Okay, so mine doesn’t look anything like Sarah’s sample bracelet. (third one down on the linked page) But I had to make my shape a little bit different and do another piece with my cane. Plus I didn’t take a very good picture of the bracelet.

I still have miles of cane left and am going to spend some time trying to remember what I’m suppose to do with it. Most of the other students produce beautiful pieces.

If you haven’t taken a class with Sarah, I want you to know that you should. She is such an experienced polymer clay artist that she just naturally is able to explain her process easily. Just her color mixing approach alone is worth seeing.

She has a quick wit and is very entertaining. She moves her class along but has time to spend with anyone that needs it. After class she was right back at her desk to answer questions and help anyone that wanted it. Everyone had time to drill holes in their beads and end up with a finished piece.

Visit  Sarah’s website for more information about her classes, her DVD’s and her Show Schedule.