Polymer Clay Canes for Beginners

27 videos, step by step, beginner cane workshop beginner Cane Tutorial What people are saying about this tutorial. jennifer rose Just finished this first workshop on how to make canes, and I must say I learned so much. This is exactly what I have been looking for, someone who could explain cane making in a step by step that process that I could replicate. I watched the videos, went into my studio and began to create all of the canes Alice showed. I finally have results I can be proud of, and I say thank you so much for doing this workshop. My only question now is when do we get more workshops. If you are only going to take one online class let it be this workshop. Thank you Alice for your hard work, and your dedication to helping others learn the joys of polymer clay.

Online Workshops with Alice Stroppel


Member IPCA

Member IPCA

Santa, HO HO HO!

Santa Ornament

Santa Ornament

I haven’t been doing very much clay work in the last week, I’ve been painting gift bags, cooking and getting ready for Christmas.

I didn’t want Christmas to be over before I wished you all a very merry one. I hope all your wishes come true and I hope that the Christmas spirit is with you each day of the coming year.

Since I didn’t have anything recent to share, I thought I’d share an ornament I made about 8 years ago maybe. The face is not mine, it is from a member of City-O-Clay cane swap, City-O-Clay is a yahoo group full of very helpful people and a great place to get help with questions about anything polymer clay.

When I saw this face cane, I was so amazed by the detail, that I knew I had to make face canes. The sad part is that I can’t remember who made the face cane. I was so excited to receive it as one of my swap items.  If it looks familiar, I’d love it if you’d leave me comment.

He was just a face, beard and those so funny teeth. I started to laugh the minute I saw him and I still laugh each time I see him.  I added the santa hat, hair and suit. I added holly and large Ho Ho Ho letters on the back. I love him, he’s so funny and not your typical santa. I enjoy getting him out each year.

See you again before the New Year.

Santa Made From Polymer Clay Cane Swap

Mel's Man Turned into a Santa

Mel's Man Turned into a Santa

I was decorating my tree today, I know I’m late getting started, but I came across this ornament I made and had to share it with you. I didn’t date this one, I always date things, so I’m unhappy that I didn’t.

Years ago I was in a cane swap and I was very new to polymer clay. I can’t even remember what canes I sent, I’m sure they weren’t anywhere near as cool as the ones I recieved. But I do remember is was with Nora Jean Gatine’s group. Thanks Nora Jean, your animal skin canes that came with the rest were great.

I received some other wonderful, inspirational canes, one of which was the guy above. It was just the face, no hair no hat. but the teeth and the beard just sent me over the edge. I thought, wow, I can’t believe you can do that with clay. I think the artist’s name is Mel, I can’t remember which Mel, I know there are a couple in Nora Jean’s Yahoo group CITY-o-Clay. So if you’re out there Mel, and recognized this guy, please leave a comment. If it wasn’t Mel that made this crazy cane, well, I’d love to hear from you to set the record straight.

I know he looks like a “bad” santa, but I just think of him as needing some teeth work. Each time I take him out to hang him up, I laugh and remember the fun I had because of this group. Thanks to all of you from back then.
BackThe back side says, “HO HO HO”