Polymer Clay Canes for Beginners

27 videos, step by step, beginner cane workshop beginner Cane Tutorial What people are saying about this tutorial. jennifer rose Just finished this first workshop on how to make canes, and I must say I learned so much. This is exactly what I have been looking for, someone who could explain cane making in a step by step that process that I could replicate. I watched the videos, went into my studio and began to create all of the canes Alice showed. I finally have results I can be proud of, and I say thank you so much for doing this workshop. My only question now is when do we get more workshops. If you are only going to take one online class let it be this workshop. Thank you Alice for your hard work, and your dedication to helping others learn the joys of polymer clay.

Online Workshops with Alice Stroppel


Member IPCA

Member IPCA

Florida Gulf Coast Polymer Clay Guild Workshop

Florida Gulf Coast Polymer Clay Guild

Florida Gulf Coast Polymer Clay Guild

Once again I had the pleasure of showing this great group of women some of what I’ve learned about polymer clay. This is the Florida Gulf Coast Polymer Clay Guild in Palmetto with some attendees from other guilds around the state.

Thank you Sydney Carter for all your planning and thank you to everyone for the delicious potluck and continuing to want me back.

Everyone got right into my cane mapping technique and I think they all really enjoyed what they made. I know I was delighted by the work, it really makes my day to see the level of work and the fun that’s happening.

I taught this group about 6 months ago. We had a cane class and I showed everyone my crazy ways of making canes. I sent everyone home with homework. “Go and make Canes!!!”  They did with great results.

This is the follow up class that shows just one of the many things you can do with the canes you made recently, little bits of left over canes and the canes you might have had in your stash for years.

The Premo clay for this class was donated by Polyform and we were all thrilled. Now we will reveal how grateful we are for the clay and what we’ve made with it all. Many thanks to Iris Weiss and Polyform. You can also visit Polyform on Facebook

Here’s the results, I know you’ll agree that this is one talented group. ( I’m sorry I  don’t have a picture of Geri Costello’s, I’m hoping she’ll send one)

Sue Garland

Sue Garland

Sandy Grace

Sandy Grace

Judy Northrup

Judy Northrup

Carol Knapik

Carol Knapik

Christine Keyworth

Christine Keyworth

Bonnie Anderson with Alice Stroppel

Bonnie Anderson

Annette Cannariato

Annette Cannariato


WIP – almost finished

Sydney Carter

Sydney Carter

Starr Payne

Starr Payne

Jill Hennessy

Jill Hennessy

Patsy Monk

Patsy Monk

Christine Kacmarek

Christine Kacmarek












A colony of flamingos and a muster of peacocks




Polymer clay flamigos - Alice Stroppel workshop


Look at these great flamingo bracelets made by my friends Sydney Carter, Emma Simpson, Charline Ahlgreen, Tyra Ahlgreen, Sara Pietruk and Linda Eastman. We had so much fun they all wanted to do it again the next day only this time it was Peacocks. I just love how each one turned out.

A giant thank you to Polyform and Iris Weiss for donating the clay for this workshop. Everyone was delighted and they used every bit making canes and Skinner blends for these funky, fun bracelets


Charline decided to made something different with her peacock. So cool…

Charline's Peacock - Alice Stroppel

Charline's Peacock - Alice Stroppel

Thanks everyone and I’ll see you again soon.

It was all about the Face, Friends and Fun

Florida Gulf Coast Polymer Clay GuildI was at the Florida Gulf Coast Polymer Clay Guild in Palmetto teaching my profile face cane and everyone did a really great job. I can’t wait to see what they make with these canes. They can use this short video to make hair canes and this video to attach everything to a bracelet blank after it’s baked.

But these funky faces aren’t just for bracelets, I’ve used them on all kinds of things.

Cocktail Shaker


A cocktail shaker, or

Salt and Pepper - Alice Stroppel

salt and pepper skakers, or

Canister - Alice Stroppel

a canister, just to name a few.

I always have the best time at this guild, they’re fun and really enjoy the clay. And they always have the greatest pot luck! Thanks ladies and a special thank you to Sydney Carter for asking me and making the arrangements.

Everyone was delighted to the Premo clay for this project donated by Polyform. That you Iris Weiss.


profile face cane class - alice stroppel


Next week I’m teaching at the West Coast Polymer Clay Guild in New Port Richey, FL. It’s a great class to teach and I’m looking forward to seeing friends I made at Orlando Clay Fandango and making new ones. And making more great faces……..




Making new friends at Florida Gulf Coast Polymer Clay Guild

What a great group and what a good time I had in the Palmetto at their monthly get together. Thanks so much everyone and especially Sydney Carter.

I’m just sorry that as usual, I forgot to take a picture before some of the group had to leave. I did manage to get one of Sydney and me, yay.


Gifts in Polymer Clay Rich With Kindness and Fun

I’ve been neglectful in posting the wonderful things that I have received from other polymer clayers in the last couple of months.  I’m always delighted when someone thinks enough of me to actually give me something they’ve made, it’s such a welcomed surprise.

Kathe Keck

Kathe Keck gave me this oh so cool Stroppel cane giant bead made with Christine Dumont’s Tutorial. Kathe and I met last year at Fandango and she has attented two of my classes at Beads F.O.B. in Sarasota where we shared a room. She’s great fun and I was thrilled when she said I was the lucky owner of this Stroppel bead. Thank you Kathe, I love it.

Berit Hines

Berit Hines came to see me a couple of months ago and we had a great fun clay day. She left me this beautiful little box to keep treasures in. Thank you Berit, I have it right here on my shelf and I’m thrilled to have it. I hope to see you again before you leave to go back north.

Sydney Carter

Sydney Carter must have read my mind and knew how clay coated my hands are all the time. When she attended my sculpting class last month, she brought me this fabulous mixture that she made from a recipe from Polymer Clay Cookbook by Jessica and Susan Partain. Plus she made some of the best snacks to share with us all…..yummm. Sydney is an active (very) memeber of Florida Gulf Coast Polymer Clay Guild that meets in Palmetto, FL. If you’re in the area, you might want to check it out.  Thank you Sydney, you’re the best.

Tyra Alhgreen

Tyra Alhgreen attended the same sculpting class and brought me this oh so funny fish. I just love his crazy self. Ihave him hanging on a stand along with the jelly fish below. Thanks you so much Tyra.

Charlene Ahlgreen

Charlene Ahlgreen

Charline Ahlgreen was in that sculpting class too, in fact you could say she was the reason and cause of the class. She brought  everyone together. This is a clever  jelly fish that together with Tyra blowfish make the perfect underwater scene. I have really enjoyed it.

Charline is the President of the Orlando Area Polymer Clay Guild and is very busy about now with the auction for Fandango, their annual retreat. I’m going to be there demo-ing my pen and ink, so come on if you want some great fun claying and visiting and being inspired and claying and etc.