Polymer Clay Canes for Beginners

27 videos, step by step, beginner cane workshop beginner Cane Tutorial What people are saying about this tutorial. jennifer rose Just finished this first workshop on how to make canes, and I must say I learned so much. This is exactly what I have been looking for, someone who could explain cane making in a step by step that process that I could replicate. I watched the videos, went into my studio and began to create all of the canes Alice showed. I finally have results I can be proud of, and I say thank you so much for doing this workshop. My only question now is when do we get more workshops. If you are only going to take one online class let it be this workshop. Thank you Alice for your hard work, and your dedication to helping others learn the joys of polymer clay.

Online Workshops with Alice Stroppel


Member IPCA

Member IPCA

Three Girlfriend – Polymer Clay Slide

I have been taking pictures and videos of several items that I have waiting in line to go in my Etsy shop. I’ve decided that taking 5 pictures of something so that my customers can see the item from all angles is so time consuming. It’s why I put off adding things. My solution, we’ll seee how it works, is to take short little videos to show what they look like in 3d.

Trading Stroppel Cane Jewelry with Angela aka Cleobs

I’m thrilled to say that Angela/Cleobs sent me her Stroppel Skyline bracelet. She has combined Stroppel Canes with some other polymer clay techniques to create this fabulous piece.

When I saw it I really wanted it. I asked to buy it, but Angela said no she would send it to me, but I wanted to trade. So she chose some of my girlfriends and the bracelet now lives at my house and the girls are on their way to Italy.

Thanks so much Angela, it’s a treasure. You can see more of Angela’s work on her Flickr site cleobs. I love Flickr.

Here are the girlfriends I made for Angela.

Orlando Clay Fandango

I want to make an addition to my post about Orlando Clay Fandango. I forgot two important volunteer and I’m so sorry. These two women come each year to Fandango and they aren’t even members of the guild. They don’t take classes, they work.

Nita Sherer-Baker runs the boutique and allows us to sell our work. Such an important part of our experience and a lot of work. Thank you very much Nita.

And Tanya Johnston…what would we do with out the Oven Queen? She takes care of all the curing of every piece of clay. It is a giant job. Thank you so much Tanya.

Polymer Clay Slides Are Dancing in My Head

Girlfriend Polymer Clay slide

Have you ever had that “slap your forehead” moment, you know the one, the one where you say to yourself  “why didn’t I think of this sooner?”

Well that was me yesterday, here is the result……….girlfriend slides. And why not I ask you, why not slides to go with the bracelets or instead of a bracelet? I know pins are good too but I love the necklace idea.

Sorry I know it sounds bad to say you love something you just did, but hey…..I would not be playing with clay if I didn’t kind of love what I was doing right?

So I’m off now to list these plus a fish slide in my Etsy shop. Dancing girl la la la girlfriend queen da da la la \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

3 Girlfriends polymer clay slideMore to come of these I’m telling you, just watch!

Girlfriends Galore – Polymer Clay Face Cane Girlfriends Bracelets

If you’re looking for my OWOH giveaway it’s here


I finished these Girlfriend Galore bracelets yesterday and popped them in to cure last night. Spent the morning taking pictures and cropping etc., loading two of them on my Etsy site and flickr, and now here. Yikes. It’s 2pm and I’d rather be claying……

But that’s the way it is and I guess I just need to get over it. But I am glad to be using backgrounds instead of cutting each item out in Photoshop. My printer has gotten a bit sad and I’ve just ordered a new laser printer. I’ve wanted one for years and could never justify the expense when I had a perfectly good inkjet sitting right here.

But to tell you the truth, this “free” printer really costs more to operate because of the ink. Anyway, I’m waiting for it now and I can’t wait to print all those background with the laser.

Anyway, back to the “girlfriends”. I’ve listed two of these bracelets in my Etsy shop. The wider one below……

and this smaller one…..

I made one of these to go to the auction at Orlando Area Polymer Clay Guild’s Fandango coming up in May. It’s a super fun event and if your thinking about going…..stop thinking….just go, you’ll love it. Beautiful place, beautiful weather, beautiful people. Check it out on their website here.

What are you working on? Thanks for stopping by today.

Wine Stoppers in Polymer Clay

I’ve added some Girlfriend Wine stoppers to my Etsy Shop. I’ve made so many of these and they still make people laugh.

They’re fun to do and if you want the perfect gift for that girlfriend of yours who is always there for you, and that is the first person you call for the “leave the husbands, boyfriends, or significant other at home” night out. Then this is the gift for you! All my girlfriends have one. So stop in my shop to see what else is new.

Or make one yourself, I buy my bottle stoppers at Boston Craftworks. You don’t have to make a girlfriend stopper, I’ve made some funky flamingos that I’ve posted in my shop too. I really laugh at these guys.

The flamingo is several canes that I put together directly on the piece. It takes more time, but I like the results.


P.S. If you own a blog and would like to win one of my bracelets, just click on the link below to participate in One World One Heart.

If you’re looking for my OWOH giveaway it’s here

Circle of Friends – Polymer Clay Face Bead Bracelet

I was making inchies for the International swap and fell in love with the little squares. After I finished all my valentine squares for the swap, I couldn’t wait to put some of my girls on the little squares and make some beads.  This bracelet is for sale in my Etsy Shop.

And naturally they have to be friends, a blonde………

Another blonde………

And one with black hair…….a twist on my girlfriends bracelets.

And how could I not include a set of big lips???

I used buna cord for stinging. I didn’t want to have to make four more focal beads or a bunch of little ones. It seem to have worked very well. I wore it around the studio all day yesterday and it was very comfortable.

Still working on pen and ink…more tomorrow.

One of My Girlfriend Bracelets Featured in Etsy Treasury by MIRAKRIS

Etsy Treasury by MirakrisThanks to Mira Pinki Krispil for featuring my girlfriend bracelet in her “like like like A Virgin” Etsy Treasury. Lots of fun and funky things in this treasury.

Mira is an amazing polymer clay artist and you can see her work in her Etsy Shop and on her website. She also posts pictures of her work on flickr. Grab a cup of coffee before you click on any of those links, you’ll be there awhile.

Pet Rocks? Nah…Rocker Girls Paperweights

Rocker Girls

Rocker Girls

Okay, here’s the last of my creative streak this week. Actually these paperweight rocker girls are the start. I had this idea to cover rocks with clay and my face cane slices, I made the black haired girl and smiled the whole time. (that’s when I know I have an idea that at least I think is fun)

These are rocks out of my French Drain behind my porch. The blonde is about 3″ x 2″, black haired girl is 2″ 1/2″ x 2″ and the brunette is 2′ x 1 1/2″ . All perfect sizes for a funky addition to your desk as a paper weight or just sitting around on a shelf or counter. They make me laugh.

It was hard to make the clay stick to the rock. (the next girls I made I covered with craft glue and let dry, then it was fine, I was just too much in a hurry for the first girl)

Because the clay wasn’t sticking, it made me think of using my old clay as the core, so I made a girl with clay instead of the rock. Half way through I had the idea to make this business card holder. So I made the slit for cards to fit and there you go.

I had a plastic business card holder on my desk and I had this idea to make something that used less clay. After all, not everyone has tons of scrap clay.

Business Card Holder - Polymer Clay

Business Card Holder

So there you have a peek inside my strange mind. Not that anyone really wanted to look…:) Thanks for stopping in today.

P.S. All of these would make great projects for kids.

Girlfriends from OAPCG Workshop

When I taught my Profile Face Cane class to some of the members of the Orlando Area Polymer Clay Guild, I was delighted to have 14 people attend and all of them create faces with their own individual style. I asked them all to send pictures of their finished girls and I want to show them here.

If you were in that class and want to send me pictures, I’m waiting. But I didn’t have to wait for Charline Ahlgreen, president of OAPCG, she brought this cool glass vase with her to class and by the end she had her face placed on it, added hair  or maybe they are butterflies? Plus a cool collar.



Mary Jenkins, Treasurer, had a great start on her girl as well. Before we packed up to go home she had a fabulous slice of her face cane complete with collar, hair and very cool hat. Looks like she was going to end up on a bracelet



Sherry Caley was the first to send me a picture of her girl. I was waiting for a clearer one, but I’m posting this one now and if you send me another one Sherry, I’ll replace it. Her hair, hat and collar look great, very 3d.



Rose Long was next with this great photo of too small journal covers. I love how she used flowers for the hair on the first girl. I can tell she went home and made another face. The more you make the better they get, trust me. I love both of these girls, each has it’s own special character. Very cool idea.



Then there is Crazy Nancy Welch. She called me to see if I would teach this class, so I owe all the fun to her. She has been very busy with her girls and has created tons of great things. You can see that she made another face cane too. Love em both.








That’s it for the photos from Orlando. Maybe I’ll get some more someday.

Each of the students received links to the pdf and video from this class. If you would like to make your own face canes, the pdf and video are available in my Profile Face Cane Tutorial for sale in my Etsy Shop. Or if you would like to sponsor a class with your guild or group or at your retail store, contact me for further information. Or you can check out my teaching information here.

Thanks everyone, I had a blast.

Ornaments Galore for Friends Galore!

I’ve been on a roll, covering these ornaments and creating these girlfriend ornaments. By using different skinner blends for backgrounds I’m not using traditional Christmas colors for a reason. I want these ornaments to be able to be viewed and displayed at other times of the year too.

We all have one of those ornament stands that will display one special ornament. Well why not add one of those to a polymer clay ornament that has a special message for the recipient. I did a google search and found them for 2.50 and up.

Order an ornament from my Etsy Shop (adding a couple by the end of the day today) or create one yourself. But get started, Christmas is just around the corner.