Polymer Clay Canes for Beginners

27 videos, step by step, beginner cane workshop beginner Cane Tutorial What people are saying about this tutorial. jennifer rose Just finished this first workshop on how to make canes, and I must say I learned so much. This is exactly what I have been looking for, someone who could explain cane making in a step by step that process that I could replicate. I watched the videos, went into my studio and began to create all of the canes Alice showed. I finally have results I can be proud of, and I say thank you so much for doing this workshop. My only question now is when do we get more workshops. If you are only going to take one online class let it be this workshop. Thank you Alice for your hard work, and your dedication to helping others learn the joys of polymer clay.

Online Workshops with Alice Stroppel


Member IPCA

Member IPCA

Free Photo Background for Your Polymer Clay

Bracelet on Graduated Background

Bracelet on Graduated Background

There are many ways to take pictures of your Polymer Clay artwork and I’m sure you have figured out how to get the best picture. Staging is popular now, making the item shine in an environment. I’m all for it and think it really show items to the best advantage.

But for an easy professional looking photo, here’s a quick way to get started. I’m giving you are free pdf of a graduated background. The background goes from white at the bottom to black at the top. It doesn’t use that much ink, and can be well worth the cost of printing it.  It is only 8 1/2″ x 11″ and will only work for small items.

I printed mine on card stock and have used it over and over again. Sometimes I use Photoshop to create a background like this after I have cut the item out. But sometimes, to save time, I use my gradient sheet.

If your printer won’t print on card stock, then print it on regular paper. Tape another sheet behind it when you are taking pictures to prevent the light shining though.

Down load the pdf gradient background now. Save a copy to your computer or print right away. Before you print, make sure the heads on your printer are clean, you have enough ink, and you might want to choose black ink in your printer settings.

I take my pictures on my porch in the brightest part of the day. You could set a small table outside in the shadow of your house. The key is for it to be a bright sunny day, but your item is in the shade so that there are not shadows yet plenty of light.

Tape the top (black part) of the background to the wall of your house or a box and the other end to the table. It just needs a slope so that the background goes up behind the item.

Place you item on the background, turn off you flash and take your picture. If you have a photo editing program of any kind on your computer, download your photo into it, make any adjustments and crop it.

Hope it helps those of you who have been wondering how to get started. You can always do something different as you become more experienced.

14 comments to Free Photo Background for Your Polymer Clay

  • aims

    Hmmmm – I’m going to have to find out why my printer put lines all the way through it. I’ll ask The Man when he gets home later.

    Thanks again Alice.

  • Alice

    Aimee, You might try cleaning the heads on your printer before you print again. And choosing black only in your printer settings. And make sure you have enough ink. Sorry I didn’t think of these problems ahead of time and save you ink and time. I’m revising the post now. Thanks Aimee.

  • You’ve given us so much helpful information lately. I plan to put it all to use. Thank you for taking the time. You are appreciated! Come over for my give away! Everyone is invited!

  • Alice

    You’re welcome Lynda, happy to share. I’m going now to take a look and see what you are giving away.

  • aims

    Alice – just got finished watching the fish vid and wanted to tell you I learned some neat tricks from it. Thanks! Your fish btw was stunning!

  • Alice

    Thanks Aimee! I always try to find the easiest way to do something. And I am a firm believer that there is ALWAYS an easier way to do something, so I find ways that are different. Glad you enjoyed it, I appreciate you taking the time to tell me.

  • Laura Lang

    Hi Alice! Thank you for the nice download and tips on photographs. Mine don’t always turn out as well as I’d like and I don’t always know why. I’ll try your tips. I like your new bracelets! They are a kick! Laura

  • Alice

    Hey Laura, good to hear from you, and you’re welcome. I know I need a new camera, but even so, I can take some pretty okay 🙂 photos by using this background and getting in the shade. You can get as complicated as you want to, but sometimes, simple works. Thank you for the thank you!!!

  • Hi Alice Ive found this very helpful article re taking photos and will be using it very soon.
    Thanks a bunch.
    Elizabeth K Aus XXX

  • Alice

    So glad it helped Elizabeth, thanks for letting me know. Alice

  • Kim


    You’re work is such an inspiration! I am very new to clay and you have given me so many great ideas !
    Thanks for all your hard work and willingness to share with us newbies !!

    Kim Schweinberg

  • Alice

    Kim, you are so welcome. I learned most of what I know from helpful people on the internet. I paid for books and lessons and continue to add to my library, but the willingness to share from other clayers is what continues to stand out in my mind. Thank you. . . . for taking the time to let me know I’m helping.

  • Adrienne

    loved the article on taking pictures of your creations plus the bonus PDF. Thanks for being so giving.

  • Alice

    Adrienne, I’m happy to have something to share. Years worth……thanks for taking the time to let me know you are going to use the pdf…..let me see what your pictures turn out like.

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