Polymer Clay Canes for Beginners

27 videos, step by step, beginner cane workshop beginner Cane Tutorial What people are saying about this tutorial. jennifer rose Just finished this first workshop on how to make canes, and I must say I learned so much. This is exactly what I have been looking for, someone who could explain cane making in a step by step that process that I could replicate. I watched the videos, went into my studio and began to create all of the canes Alice showed. I finally have results I can be proud of, and I say thank you so much for doing this workshop. My only question now is when do we get more workshops. If you are only going to take one online class let it be this workshop. Thank you Alice for your hard work, and your dedication to helping others learn the joys of polymer clay.

Online Workshops with Alice Stroppel


Member IPCA

Member IPCA

Pen and Ink on Polymer Clay

Pen and Ink on Polymer Clay


Just a quick picture of a new pen and ink pendant. I’m getting ready to go spend some time with the Orlando Area Polymer Clay Guild.   A little bit of ink and a little bit of clay……The main shape is a stamp by Barbara McGuire

These are talented people and I look forward to sharing some of their work next week. Have a get weekend and a fun 4th of July.

Workshop at West Coast Polymer Clay Guild, The Polymer Arts Blog and Art Deco

The Polymer Arts 

circles-and-squares - Alice StroppelMy Circles and Squares necklace was featured yesterday by Sage Bray on The Polymer Arts blog. I do enjoy this piece very much and always have one or two people tell me how fun it is! When I’m told that my work makes people smile of makes them happy, I consider my job accomplish!

I’m always so excited to see my work featured in The Polymer Art magazine or blog, I appreciate the fine work that Sage is doing for our polymer clay community and feel privileged to included with the vast array of talented artists working in polymer clay. Thank you Sage.


West Coast Polymer Clay Guild

No picture here! I can not believe that I spent the whole day with this lovely, funny group and didn’t take one picture. I blame the guild member actually, I asked them to remind me and to not leave without a group picture. But every single one of them forgot to remind me. 🙂

I really apologize ladies, it was my fault after all. Next time I won’t forget.

All of us at this workshop want to send a giant thank you to Polyform’s Education Manager Iris Weiss and Polyform Products for supplying all the clay and then some.

We had a really great time though, what a talented group of women. I hope to get back to New Port Richey again soon.


Art Deco

Art Deco Bracelet

Art Deco

I’ve been drawn to Art Deco all my life. Maybe it was visiting Miami when I was a kid and seeing all those fabulous art deco buildings, or just the clean lines of the jewelry or the advertisements and art work created in that style. I think it might be the romanic vision of the ’20s that draws me in. Such large changes taking place in clothing, hair styles, woman’s rights…the world was changing dramatically.

Right now I’m working on this bracelet using my pen and ink technique. I wanted something new with pen and ink to take to the Orlando Area Polymer Clay Guild when I teach there next week. Working on slides in this style as well.

Having a ball actually, one more panel on this one and I’m finished.

It was all about the Face, Friends and Fun

Florida Gulf Coast Polymer Clay GuildI was at the Florida Gulf Coast Polymer Clay Guild in Palmetto teaching my profile face cane and everyone did a really great job. I can’t wait to see what they make with these canes. They can use this short video to make hair canes and this video to attach everything to a bracelet blank after it’s baked.

But these funky faces aren’t just for bracelets, I’ve used them on all kinds of things.

Cocktail Shaker


A cocktail shaker, or

Salt and Pepper - Alice Stroppel

salt and pepper skakers, or

Canister - Alice Stroppel

a canister, just to name a few.

I always have the best time at this guild, they’re fun and really enjoy the clay. And they always have the greatest pot luck! Thanks ladies and a special thank you to Sydney Carter for asking me and making the arrangements.

Everyone was delighted to the Premo clay for this project donated by Polyform. That you Iris Weiss.


profile face cane class - alice stroppel


Next week I’m teaching at the West Coast Polymer Clay Guild in New Port Richey, FL. It’s a great class to teach and I’m looking forward to seeing friends I made at Orlando Clay Fandango and making new ones. And making more great faces……..




Polymer Clay Slides

I have a slide exchange coming up and I have been experimenting with different designs. They have to be black and white with one color. The exchange is with a very talented group of polymer clay artists and I want to make something new and different. Different for me anyway.

This was the first idea that I had and I made a bracelet to go with it. I saw a pendent like this except instead of my dot-dot-dot cane there were real diamonds draped around. I like this one and got several compliments when I wore it.

Black and White and Red Slide and bracelet


Next  I made these three, once again using my dot, dot, dot, cane in each one. I like the one in the middle the best.


three polymer clay slidesYesterday I made these hoping they look a bit like ceramic bisque.

three polymer clay slides.


And then this “just a bit crazy” one that uses… what else but the dot, dot, dot, cane again. polymer clay slide

And the experiments continue.