Polymer Clay Canes for Beginners

27 videos, step by step, beginner cane workshop beginner Cane Tutorial What people are saying about this tutorial. jennifer rose Just finished this first workshop on how to make canes, and I must say I learned so much. This is exactly what I have been looking for, someone who could explain cane making in a step by step that process that I could replicate. I watched the videos, went into my studio and began to create all of the canes Alice showed. I finally have results I can be proud of, and I say thank you so much for doing this workshop. My only question now is when do we get more workshops. If you are only going to take one online class let it be this workshop. Thank you Alice for your hard work, and your dedication to helping others learn the joys of polymer clay.

Online Workshops with Alice Stroppel


Member IPCA

Member IPCA

The Polymer Arts – A Review

The Polymer Arts Magazine is the vision of Publisher/Editor Sage Bray, and I can tell you from experience, hours of her of hard work. In my opinion it’s time well spent.

First, I was thrilled to see Sage is using the “flip” magazine as her first choice of digital delivery and that she is also offering The Polymer Arts in pdf form. The flip magazine form is sometimes hard to get use to, but oh so worth the effort. In the meantime having the pdf available is very helpful.

And this review will be praise for Sage and her team’s efforts to create an informative publication for “Profession and Aspiring Polymer Arts”!

I was delighted to see the article by Barbara McGuire, Fueled by Passion, The History of Polymer Clay. The beginning of polymer clay has been written about many times but Barbara’s view is unique because of  her early involvement with the emerging industry product. It’s a look at the growth of polymer that shouldn’t be missed.

The magazine develops from there to include several articles titled Material Issues. These include techniques, not projects, which encourages all of us to use the process to create our own designs instead of making something exactly like the directions.  There is also a beginning look at color which is always an issue when you first get your fingers on a package clay.

The New & Improved section takes a very useful look at some tools that people are always asking me about. The close inspection of these tools is helpful in many ways.

There are many inspirational stories from some very talented artists and a great advise on marketing your work in both the wholesale and retail markets.

Also in this issue are galleries of beautiful photographs of works to inspire us all. The galleries include artists Christine K. Harris and Janet Pitcher in the Mentor’s Galleries. Jill Kollmann,  Els Van Haasen, and Erin Metcalf in the Emerging Artist Galleries.

On top of everything else, it’s wonderful to have the advertisers’ products just a click away…you just have to love technology no matter what.

I extend my congratulations to Sage and her team and my thanks for adding another source of inspiration and resources for all of us working in this exciting medium.

If you haven’t already ordered you copy of this exciting new magazine, it’s easy to do right now. You can order just one to test it out, or better yet show your support for this new venture by ordering a year subscription at The Polymer Arts Magazine.

P.S. If you just can’t cozy up to a digital magazine and want to have a real live print Magazine in you hands, you can order those too. That group at The Polymer Arts Magazine have covered all the bases.

Teaching a Polymer Clay Workshop at Beads F.O.B.

I just have to tell you …. I love teaching …. and …….. I love teaching new caners. The smiles and looks on the faces of the ladies in my class this weekend at Beads F.O.B. in Sarasota just put me in a good mood for the next month at least.

Thanks to Karen at Beads F. O. B. for keeping all the paperwork straight and Marty for all her work and for letting me come join the fun. Looks like I’ll be going back to teach again soon so check back to see when you might be able to come join us.

We made so many canes and turned some of them into beads and some into pendants, I’m only showing the pendants here.

Joan Diehl at Bead Workshop with Alice Stroppel

Joan was having a great time and already had plans for a volunteer project and began working on it before class was over.

Marlene Brownell  at Bead Workshop with Alice Stroppel


I heard this high little yell from Marlene and wondered what was wrong. It was all excitement  at her table, she had just successfully reduced that little leaf cane and was tickled with herself. It reminded me of the first time I reduced a cane and all the possibilities that were running through my head.

Marty Montague at Bead Workshop with Alice Stroppel


Marty made earrings and enjoyed the whole creative process. She is one fun polymer clayer.

Lois Mills at Beads F.O.B. Workshop with Alice Stroppel


I looked up one time to see the biggest grin on Lois’ face. She had just made several successful canes in a great combo of colors and I could see the wheels turning behind those smiling bright eyes.

Christine Kaczmarek  at Bead Workshop with Alice Stroppel


Christine said she couldn’t go to sleep the first night and couldn’t wait to get back to work on her canes on Sunday. Her enthusiasm shows in her work.

Cathe Keck at Beads F.O.B. Workshop with Alice Stroppel


Cathe’s work is big and bold. Her color combinations are bright and work so well together.

I’m so sorry that Marina had to leave early and I didn’t get a picture of her work.

(two days later, update) Marina sent me a picture of her work, I’m so happy to be able to include it. I just didn’t feel right for her pieces to be missing. Thanks Marina!

Marina - Beads F.O.B. Class - Alice Stroppel

Marina Montagut

I love how everyone created their own colors and Marina loves to do mini piece. I can’t wait to see what she comes up with.

I also didn’t take a class picture.  We ran over time, we were having so much fun, and people started to leave before I remembered the group photo. Thanks to all my student, I really appreciate how easy you made it to show you what I know, it was great fun.

Polymer Clay Slides Are Dancing in My Head

Girlfriend Polymer Clay slide

Have you ever had that “slap your forehead” moment, you know the one, the one where you say to yourself  “why didn’t I think of this sooner?”

Well that was me yesterday, here is the result……….girlfriend slides. And why not I ask you, why not slides to go with the bracelets or instead of a bracelet? I know pins are good too but I love the necklace idea.

Sorry I know it sounds bad to say you love something you just did, but hey…..I would not be playing with clay if I didn’t kind of love what I was doing right?

So I’m off now to list these plus a fish slide in my Etsy shop. Dancing girl la la la girlfriend queen da da la la \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

3 Girlfriends polymer clay slideMore to come of these I’m telling you, just watch!

Polymer Clay Cane Workshop at Beads F.O.B. in Sarasota, FL

beads and pendants

I’ve been spending some time developing a class for beginners, beginner caners that is. I know so many clayer that haven’t made a cane or weren’t very successful at caning and just gave up. I also know many people that are interested in learning more about polymer clay, but don’t know where to start.

Marty Montague and Karen Johnsnon from Beads, F.O.B. in Sarasota, FL attended my pen and ink class last month and saw some of my colorful beads and asked if I would teach a caning class in Sarasota. Polymer clay is the perfect compliment to beads of all kinds. Creating a focal bead from polymer and pairing it with other elements gives the beaded an even greater ownership of a piece. I’ll be truly excited to see what the beaders from Marty’s shop will create after this workshop

I’ll be teaching the two day workshop on Aug. 20th and 21st. Learn more in my class section, or download this pdf for all the information. To register for this workshop call Beads, F.O.B. at 941-921-0871.

These are a few of the samples I’ve been making from to basic Skinner blends that I will be teaching in this workshop. Each new caner will walk away with enough canes to make hundreds of different pieces and because it’s a two day workshop, there will be time to create lots of beads or pendants before we all go home.

Come on a join me, we’re going to have a blast.