27 videos, step by step, beginner cane workshop
What people are saying about this tutorial.
jennifer rose
Just finished this first workshop on how to make canes, and I must say I learned so much. This is exactly what I have been looking for, someone who could explain cane making in a step by step that process that I could replicate. I watched the videos, went into my studio and began to create all of the canes Alice showed. I finally have results I can be proud of, and I say thank you so much for doing this workshop. My only question now is when do we get more workshops. If you are only going to take one online class let it be this workshop. Thank you Alice for your hard work, and your dedication to helping others learn the joys of polymer clay.
I had a clothing designer contact me last week about doing a bracelet for her runway show in April. She makes fun repurposed clothing, really cool stuff that’s bright and colorful. She has an Alice in Wonderland theme on some of her clothes and we got to talking about very large buttons too.
So I made her the bracelet above, well actually I made two and she liked them both, but said she had something more colorful in mind.
So I colored it again and added some colorful dots and flowers and things and she really liked it. Me too actually, it’s hard to choose I like them both, but for her designs the colorful one works best.
Then I finished up several buttons for her to choose from and sent her these 3″ round ones for a hoodie jacket she’s doing. She promises to send pictures.
These remind me of Tim Burton’s Alice, so colorful and fun. Loved that movie.
I took this picture before I drilled the holes. You can see her work in her Etsy Shop. It was great fun and I’m going to do more pen and ink on polymer really soon. I have some crazy ideas running around in my head…..kind of like the Mad Hatter. *g*.
These buttons and bracelet were done using the techniques in my newest video for sale – Pen and Ink on Polymer Clay. It’s fun and easy to do any design you want to. You don’t have to be able to draw pictures, you can begin with abstract graphic designs and really make some colorful pins or bracelets or maybe a great wall hanging. You can look to the upper left hand side of this page for a link to purchase it or click here.
Thanks to everyone that stops by and specially to those who take the time to comment, I know how time consuming it is sometimes. Alice
Sherry Edwards Romford from Sherry’s Simple Blog left a comment on my winners page to let me know I’d won one of my favorite choices of giveaways, Clarinda! You know me, I’m crazy about faces and I just love this face. She looks like my sister Sheryl.
Clarinda was part of a color challenge that Sherry was in, can you guess the color. lol She does lots of cool crafts, so check out her site.
Sherry is from Greater London, United Kingdom! So Nice to meet you Sherry, and thank you so much.
Photoshop Class
Then I got an email from Rebecca E. Parsons saying I’d won an online photoshop course. Well, I’m thrilled. I use photoshop everyday, but don’t do half the things with it that I want too, so this is perfect.
I’ll let you know how wonderful the course is, or actually, you’ll probably hear about it right here on the blog as I go along.
Thank you Rececca, I’m looking forward to the course and I’m delighted to meet you.
Orange Lavender Stuffed Love Bird
And then…just when I thought I was lucky enough to have one two fabulous prizes, I got an email this morning says that I’d won another wonderful piece from Kim de Broin Mailhot from The Queen of Arts, love that name. Kim said she emailed me earlier on the 18th, but somehow the email got lost in space….so I’m happy she tried again.
Kim is “a Montreal-born, New Hampshire-living mixed media artist celebrating a creative life.” You should check out her work, you’ll love it.
This cool bird is filled with Lavender, I love that. Thanks Kim, glad to meet you.
So that’s it for One World One Heart fifth and final event, thank you so much Lisa Swifka, you have done a wonderful thing for all the bloggers.
But Lisa had some exciting news about a new event for next year called One World One Art. If you’re a crafter or artist and a blogger, you should check it out.
I finished these Girlfriend Galore bracelets yesterday and popped them in to cure last night. Spent the morning taking pictures and cropping etc., loading two of them on my Etsy site and flickr, and now here. Yikes. It’s 2pm and I’d rather be claying……
But that’s the way it is and I guess I just need to get over it. But I am glad to be using backgrounds instead of cutting each item out in Photoshop. My printer has gotten a bit sad and I’ve just ordered a new laser printer. I’ve wanted one for years and could never justify the expense when I had a perfectly good inkjet sitting right here.
But to tell you the truth, this “free” printer really costs more to operate because of the ink. Anyway, I’m waiting for it now and I can’t wait to print all those background with the laser.
Anyway, back to the “girlfriends”. I’ve listed two of these bracelets in my Etsy shop. The wider one below……
I made one of these to go to the auction at Orlando Area Polymer Clay Guild’s Fandango coming up in May. It’s a super fun event and if your thinking about going…..stop thinking….just go, you’ll love it. Beautiful place, beautiful weather, beautiful people. Check it out on their website here.
What are you working on? Thanks for stopping by today.
I was working on some Alice in Wonderland prototype pieces for a client and was incorporating black and white checks. I had this piece left over and as is my M.O. I couldn’t let it go to waste and made this funky hat for one of my girls.
So I call her Alice, maybe in wonderland, maybe just what I feel I look like sometimes. I’ve mounted her on a piece of black foam core and framed her. She is actually quite large, about 4″ x 7″.
Up she’ll go on my wall, and after I look at her awhile, I’ll decide if I want to sell her. I’ve been thinking of doing a family series. Framed portrait of woman like Alice that you could claim as you sister or Mother or great Aunt…well Great Aunt Alice.
A collection! That’s it! lol I am having way too much fun….I think my samples are cured, back to play, er……… I mean work.
____________________________ If you’re looking for my OWOH giveaway it’s here
I’ve added some Girlfriend Wine stoppers to my Etsy Shop. I’ve made so many of these and they still make people laugh.
They’re fun to do and if you want the perfect gift for that girlfriend of yours who is always there for you, and that is the first person you call for the “leave the husbands, boyfriends, or significant other at home” night out. Then this is the gift for you! All my girlfriends have one. So stop in my shop to see what else is new.
Or make one yourself, I buy my bottle stoppers at Boston Craftworks. You don’t have to make a girlfriend stopper, I’ve made some funky flamingos that I’ve posted in my shop too. I really laugh at these guys.
The flamingo is several canes that I put together directly on the piece. It takes more time, but I like the results.
P.S. If you own a blog and would like to win one of my bracelets, just click on the link below to participate in One World One Heart.
____________________________ If you’re looking for my OWOH giveaway it’s here
I’m doing two trades with two incredible mosaic artists, Laura Pattison and Doreen Bell. It all started when I saw the rainbow mosaic above that Laura made for a trade with Doreen. Polymer Clay canes are similar and have long been compared to glass millefiori canes so it’s no wonder that I was drawn to their work. Laura is living in Spain and Doreen is here in the U.S..
I loved the rainbow, it was so colorful and fun, I asked Laura if we could trade too or if I could buy one. Happily she agreed to a trade, she wanted my funny girl business card holder below. I’ll post a picture of my rainbow when it gets here.
Laura does some really wonderful work, you should see the cat she’s making for her parents, plus check out all the other cool things on her flickr pages.
Funny Girl
Then Doreen emailed me about buying some of my girls for a project she has in mind. I had already seen her work and loved all her crazy women and off the wall pieces, so I was delighted when she said she’d trade.
I sent her the 7 girls below to use in her work and I am so excited to see how she’ll do that. How interesting to be combining the two mediums. It certainly has my head spinning with possibilities.
I’ve seen a few pictures of my prize from Doreen, but will wait until it’s completely finished before I post her here. You can check out Doreen’s so cool work on her flickr site
Thank you Laura and Doreen for making these trades a highlight for me. You are making me laugh and giggle and that’s the most favorite thing I do. But most of all I’ll own some wonderful pieces of artwork from two incredible artist and make some terrific new friends. What a great experience.
Patsy Monk shared this with the Florida Gulfcoast Polymer Clay Guild through their online group. I was blown away by it.
It’s called the Multicor Search Lab and it will display photos from flickr that match the colors you choose. what a wonderful way to create a color palette for your next project.
I thought with all the OWOH bloggers coming through, it would be a great thing to share will all the artists. But mainly I was thinking about all of us working with clay and trying to figure out color combinations.
I for one don’t get many magazines these days and the ones I do get I don’t want to cut up, this is a great alternative.
The orange above was just two shades of orange. The one below is three colors, but you can add up to 10. Really a great find and a super tool. Thanks Patsy.
My newest video tutorial Pen and Ink on Polymer Clay is now available for sale in my Etsy shop. This video will show you what supplies you’ll need to create pen and ink drawings on bracelets, pin, pendants or whatever else your imagination can come up with. Follow along with me as I share my techniques and tips about working with pen and ink on polymer.
If you aren’t familiar with my videos you might want to take a minute and take a look at some of the free ones that are here on this blog.
Thanks for stopping by and if you have a blog be sure to click on the One World One Heart link at the beginning of this post and leave a comment on that post to win a crazy girl bracelet.