Polymer Clay Canes for Beginners

27 videos, step by step, beginner cane workshop beginner Cane Tutorial What people are saying about this tutorial. jennifer rose Just finished this first workshop on how to make canes, and I must say I learned so much. This is exactly what I have been looking for, someone who could explain cane making in a step by step that process that I could replicate. I watched the videos, went into my studio and began to create all of the canes Alice showed. I finally have results I can be proud of, and I say thank you so much for doing this workshop. My only question now is when do we get more workshops. If you are only going to take one online class let it be this workshop. Thank you Alice for your hard work, and your dedication to helping others learn the joys of polymer clay.

Online Workshops with Alice Stroppel


Member IPCA

Member IPCA

Teaching at Florida Gulf Coast Polymer Clay Guild

Premo Clay donated by PolyformI just finished making goody bags of Premo for my cane workshop on Saturday and wanted to give a big shout out and thank you to Polyform and Iris Weiss for providing the clay.

I’m teaching a cane workshop with Florida Gulf Coast Polymer Clay Guild. I’m going to share my method of stocking my cane draws with canes of different colors and sizes. It’s all about having a variety of canes and cane components ready and waiting for your next project. It certainly makes me more productive.

Polyform is always so generous and provides clay for my workshops and I can’t tell you how nice it is to have it to share with my students. Thank you again Iris and Polyform.

There is still space available in this cane class on Saturday, Feb. 1, 2014 in Palmetto. Leave a comment here if you’re interested. Or send me a message on Facebook.


A Great Clay Day with Chrissie Baker

Chrissie Baker Alice Stroppel 2014


How lucky am I? Yet another day of playing with clay in my studio and this time with Chrissie Baker my internet clay buddy all the way from the UK. We made profile face canes and then created our bracelets.

Chrissie Baker Alice Stroppel profile Bracelets 2014


It was so  much fun, thank you Chrissie for wanting to spend the last day of your time in Florida with me. I hope you go home and get to work playing with clay. Canes can be fun, right?

And thank you too for this fun and funky crocheted vase your friend made, I love it. I’m thinking of adding some equally fun and funky pc flowers.

See you again soon Chrissie, I hope, if not in person, then here on the www.

gift from Chrissie Baker to Alice Stroppel

Clay time with Julie Eakes

Julie Eakes and Alice

When I found out that my friend Julie Eakes was coming to Florida  I invited her to stay a bit longer with me.

We stayed a couple of days with my son in Tampa and ate some great Cuban food in Ybor City, Julie had never had a cuban sandwich, but she has now!

We went on an adventure to the wonderful world of Museums in St. Pete. We started with the Chihuly glass exhibit at the Morean Arts Center first and I don’t have to do anything but post pictures to explain how much we enjoyed it. Breathtaking!

Chihuly St Pete

Chihuly St Pete

Chihuly St Pete


Chihuly St Pete

Chihuly St. Pete

Chihuly St Pete

We watched a blown vase  demo at the Morean Arts Center. Interesting and oh how I love glass, but I think I’ll stick to polymer clay and leave the glass to these guys.

Morean Glass Hot Shop

We went to the Dali Museum but weren’t allowed to take pictures inside. But it’s a beautiful build, so Julie took this one from inside the building looking out. Such an interesting artist and seeing his progression from the beginning of his career to the end is fascinating.


We also spent time at the Museum of Fine Arts. Everything is right in one area and easy to get to. Lots of sidewalk cafes to choose from, it truly was a beautiful day, bright and sunny and mild. We had a sterling time.

Then Julie and I came home to my studio and my small town. We were inspired by all the beautiful pieces we saw museum hopping so we wanted to experimented with polymer clay construction and shapes. We had a blast bouncing ideas off of each other. 

That’s my strange shape in front of the picture. More to come on it’s progress. Thinking about my Pen and Ink technique or possibly my Cane Mapping process where I construct my design on glass then transfer to my piece. Maybe a combination of both.

Julie Eakes at Alice Stroppel's

It was truly fun having Julie here, we dug into my supplies, some that I’ve had for years and just haven’t gotten around to trying. Well let me tell you, we tried it all. Not only that, but we laughed a bit, just a tiny bit…..

Julie Eakes at Alice Stroppel's

The time went by too fast, but I made her promise to come back. Maybe teach here in my studio.  Who coming?

Thanks so much Julie, I had the best time. Hurry back. (but leave the cold weather there)










Circles – Polymer Clay Painting

Circles--polymer clay - AliceStroppel


Frame  20″ x 20″, design mounted on white mat board. It’s an interesting piece in that the metal leaf makes it pop and shine differently from every angle.

Still having fun just doing.

Swimming – Polymer Clay Cane Mapped Painting

Swimming - polymer clay - Alice Stroppel


I’ve finished another polymer clay cane mapped painting. Now that’s a mouth full…

I usually spend a bit of time looking at the painting before I bake it. wondering if I should make any adjustments. But when things really pop out is when I photograph the finished piece and look at it on my computer screen.

Do you see the fish? Seems like I can’t get away from the fantasy fish even when they aren’t in the plan. Pretty funny if you as me, wonder what a psychoanalyst  would have to say.

I think I need to take a photo before baking from now on. On the other hand, it’s certainly interesting to just let things happen.