Polymer Clay Canes for Beginners

27 videos, step by step, beginner cane workshop beginner Cane Tutorial What people are saying about this tutorial. jennifer rose Just finished this first workshop on how to make canes, and I must say I learned so much. This is exactly what I have been looking for, someone who could explain cane making in a step by step that process that I could replicate. I watched the videos, went into my studio and began to create all of the canes Alice showed. I finally have results I can be proud of, and I say thank you so much for doing this workshop. My only question now is when do we get more workshops. If you are only going to take one online class let it be this workshop. Thank you Alice for your hard work, and your dedication to helping others learn the joys of polymer clay.

Online Workshops with Alice Stroppel


Member IPCA

Member IPCA

International Polymer Clay

IPCA International Polymer Clay  Nov. - Dec. 2015

IPCA International Polymer Clay Nov. – Dec. 2015

I am honored to be the featured artist in the Nov. – Dec. International Polymer Clay Publication. I was interviewed and more of my work can be seen inside.

I’m  humbled by the polymer talent around the world and feel extremely fortunate when I’m asked to be included in that family.

Many thanks to Corliss Rose and the International Polymer Clay Association.  

Are you a member? If not, I suggest you take a minute to look at everything this organization has to offer. Here’s their membership page. 

Even if you are not a member, you can still get a free copy of the  publication. Just email editor@theipca.org and they will send you the e-publication.

Extruder Bootcamp with Mari O’Dell at Studio 215

Extruder Bootcamp

Mari O’Dell

Seed Pod and Tassel Blossom earrings

Overcoming the “Fear of Flying” or

How a tool saved my creative life and what it can do for you !

2 day Workshop  – March 28th and 29th 2015


Mari O'Dell Extruder Artist

I first met Mari at a retreat and marveled at her talent with so many mediums. Her Idea books are to die for and what’s she is doing with polymer clay and the extruder is incredible.

This from Mari’s website;

A teacher with thirty years experience, I became addicted to polymer clay in the late 1980’s when I needed an inexpensive way to teach a jewelry design unit to my at-risk high school students. I was hooked! Over the years, I have had the occasion to teach at guild retreats, two Ravensdale Conferences and other venues both in the U.S. and abroad. I have designed tools and have made instructional DVDs for the Artway at Polymer Clay Express. These include: Boxes, Bangles, &Beautiful Beads, Marriage of Materials, and Triple Treat. My fascination with their wonderful extrusion tool has led to the design of detailed discs and development of the patterned plug extrusion technique.”

Mari is coming to visit me and teach a two day workshop at Studio 215 on March 28th and 29th 2015. I’m thrilled.

Here’s what Mari has to say about this inspiring workshop

  “I will jump-start the folks who have never or seldom used this wonderful tool.

    I will introduce my technique for saving your hands. How to adapt all kinds of disks for use with the A.C.E. and P.C.E. extruders (my extruder of choice, although we will also work with other extruders) Other bits and bobs I use with my extruder.

Participants will create petal support stands , paddle accents and use a blossom cheat sheet to form the earring form.

We will create two patterned plugs for extrusion. Various disk designs will be available for use in class.

Participants should expect to complete one set of earrings of each design during the workshop.

This workshop just touches on all the wonderful things the extruder can do…you are only limited by your imagination.”

Samples of these earrings were featured August 25, 2014 on Polymer Clay Daily

See more of Mari’s work on her Facebook page and on her web site www.mari-odell.com


Mari O’Dell lives in Annapolis, Maryland with her sax-playing poet husband, mellow black lab, Sachi and silver -Tabby kitten,Marlowe. Avoiding housework by lots of studio time and gardening. Mari has been a long time studio artist, teacher, author and innovator. In the later role she has expanded the use of the extruder in ways no one else has. She has designed detailed disks for the Artway extruder and developed the patterned plug extrusion technique. Her design work extends to impression plates, silk screen designs and mixed media tools.

To sign up for this inspiring workshop, download an application form, Extruder Bootcamp with Mari O’Dell

Plus… Don’t miss Meisha Barbee at Studio 215 on  Feb. 21 & 22, 2015. Download her application form  Mica Shift with Appliqué’ Pendant

Polymer Clay Global Perspectives – Cynthia Tinapple

Polymer Clay Global Perspectives - Cynthia Tinapple



Cynthia Tinapple’s new book, Polymer Clay Global Perspectives arrived at my home yesterday, exciting news, the problem was, I wasn’t home. But thanks to Linda Mosley’s post  I saw that I could download it to my ipad. So while I was visiting my mother, I was able to take a look at the book and my place in it right away.

It’s a beautiful book, but what makes it special for me is that so many of the artists I know personally, many of them are my friends, I consider myself so lucky to have had the opportunity to become apart of this fascinating polymer clay world and to share a small part of the stage with such talented people.  And it is such a world wide stage thanks to the internet.

I am amazed to be including at the beginning of this book along with Meisha Barbee, Donna Kato, Maureen Carlson, Gwen Gibson and Bettina Welker. To have my name listed in on the same pages as these ladies, as well as other well known names, is a dream.  My Stroppel Cane has truly become a part of the history of polymer clay and it’s incredibly exciting.

Cynthia takes a closer look at 13 artists and each of them share a project with you. You’ll be tempted to put the book down and get started right away creating your own version of each project. I enjoy ed getting to know the artists I haven’t met and felt even closer to the ones I consider friends.

One of my Stroppel Sweater Girls is pictured as well, right on a page with some of my favorite people. I can’t ask for more. in all over 125 artists are included in this global look at polymer clay today.

So this is another special publication for me, but I’ll be willing to bet you’d love it too. You can take a quick peak at some of the pages on Amazon and of course place your order there as well.


The Polymer Clay Artist’s Guide by Marie Segal

The Polymer Clay Artist's Guide - Marie Segal


Isn’t this beautiful cover? Marie Segal’s new book the Polymer Clay Artist’s Guide will be released in August You can preorder it from Amazon today.

I’m delighted to say that one of my pen and ink pieces is included, thank you Marie. I can’t wait to see what yummy techniques you’re going to share with us.

Just so you know what to look for if you aren’t on the side of the world, this book is also being release in the UK at the same time and this is the cover for that printing.


The Polymer Clay Artist's Guide - Marie Segal



You can follow Marie’s adventures on her blog, Art from my Heart. Or you can be friends with her on Facebook.




Workshop at West Coast Polymer Clay Guild, The Polymer Arts Blog and Art Deco

The Polymer Arts 

circles-and-squares - Alice StroppelMy Circles and Squares necklace was featured yesterday by Sage Bray on The Polymer Arts blog. I do enjoy this piece very much and always have one or two people tell me how fun it is! When I’m told that my work makes people smile of makes them happy, I consider my job accomplish!

I’m always so excited to see my work featured in The Polymer Art magazine or blog, I appreciate the fine work that Sage is doing for our polymer clay community and feel privileged to included with the vast array of talented artists working in polymer clay. Thank you Sage.


West Coast Polymer Clay Guild

No picture here! I can not believe that I spent the whole day with this lovely, funny group and didn’t take one picture. I blame the guild member actually, I asked them to remind me and to not leave without a group picture. But every single one of them forgot to remind me. 🙂

I really apologize ladies, it was my fault after all. Next time I won’t forget.

All of us at this workshop want to send a giant thank you to Polyform’s Education Manager Iris Weiss and Polyform Products for supplying all the clay and then some.

We had a really great time though, what a talented group of women. I hope to get back to New Port Richey again soon.


Art Deco

Art Deco Bracelet

Art Deco

I’ve been drawn to Art Deco all my life. Maybe it was visiting Miami when I was a kid and seeing all those fabulous art deco buildings, or just the clean lines of the jewelry or the advertisements and art work created in that style. I think it might be the romanic vision of the ’20s that draws me in. Such large changes taking place in clothing, hair styles, woman’s rights…the world was changing dramatically.

Right now I’m working on this bracelet using my pen and ink technique. I wanted something new with pen and ink to take to the Orlando Area Polymer Clay Guild when I teach there next week. Working on slides in this style as well.

Having a ball actually, one more panel on this one and I’m finished.

Eva Maria Keiser Designs

Colorway - Alice Stroppel


I am delighted to be featured on Eva Maria Keiser’s blog as one of her chosen artists for her Colorway series. Thank you so much Eva Maria.

Eva Maria is an accomplish, incredible bead artist. From vessels to adornment, you will find her work mesmerizing. If you are a bead artist, Eva Maria offers several free tutorials on her blog. Grab a cup of your favorite beverage, you’ll be spending quite a while on this blog.

You can also join Eva Maria on her Facebook page.

Keiser Designs

Christi Friesen’s New Book – Flourish

Flourish  - Christi Friesen

I’m thrilled to have a piece of my working included in Christi’s new book Flourish. On another page, Christi also uses the Stroppel Cane to make a swirly, twirly, flowery thingy, which is exactly Christi-like and so much fun.

My piece in Christi’s book  is a piece I made using some of the tropical leaves from my…wait for it…Tropical Leaves tutorial that I have for sale in my Etsy shop. It’s both a video and a detailed pdf.

Here it is in the book and thank you Christi.

 One thing I’ve noticed with artists that self publish is that their publications are crammed with information. It reminds me of myself when I’m teaching. I want to share and show you everything I can in the short time we have together. The other recent book that I’m thinking of is Helen Breil’s Shapes

Each of these books are so full of information, photos and techniques that each new owner will have projects to last them weeks and enough inspiration to start ideas popping in their heads like fireworks on New Years Eve.

I’m getting ready for Synergy and looking forward to a very exciting, inspiring time. Along with all the talent gathering in one place, I’ll get to spend time with old friends and meet in person friends I’ve only met online. I hope to see you there.


Helen Breil – Shapes – 25 Inspirational Jewellery Designs in Polymer Clay

I was asked by Helen Breil to contribute to her new book Shapes and I knew it was something that I wanted very much to do for several reasons. Most importantly was that I knew it would be a well thought out and beautifully executed publication. I was so right.

Helen’s work is always beautiful and in this book she leaves nothing out. You’ll learn 5 surface designs techniques and 25 shapes to lend your voice to. Plus there are samples of each shape and surface design from Helen herself and over 29 artist from around the world.

Needless to say I’m honored to have been asked. Thank you Helen.

In her introduction, Helen writes about how she “stumbled” across the idea for Shapes. She was working on 22 pendants for a swap to be held at a retreat. It is the same retreat that I attended and came away from deciding to share my Stroppel Cane. Her “shapes” for the pendant swap came from scraps, but the results can hardly be called that. Here’s Helen’s swap pendant that I was lucky enough to come home with. Simple, elegant, brillant.

Helen Breil - 2011 swap

Here are the two pieces of mine that were included in Shapes.  Fish……go figure.

Needless to say I’m honored to have been asked. Thank you Helen.

Alice Stroppel gallery item Helen Breil's Shapes

Alice Stroppel gallery item Helen Breil's Shapes

You can order your online issue of Shapes today on Helen’s website. And if you haven’t already, you should really check out her fabulous texture sheets too. You’ll want some when you make your first “shape” pendant.

PolymerCAFÉ Feb. 2013

I’m thrilled to be the featured artist and on the cover of PolymerCAFÉ for February 2013. The Stroppel Cane has truly been an amazing adventure for me and an exciting highlight in my life.

Many thanks to Trina Williams for choosing me to interview for this issue and to the editor of PolymerCAFÉ, Anne Huizenga.


The Stroppel Cane Story in The Polymer Arts

I’m thrilled to have the Stroppel Cane featured in the new The Polymer Arts issue. Sage Bray’s recent email said,

“The SUMMER 2012 issue is almost here!

Just got the newest issue through the proofing and approval process with the printer so it’s rolling on the presses and will start mailing out next week! Digital access will be sent May 18th and print starts getting mailed on the 16th. So soon, very soon …”

What’s in the Summer 2012 Reuse and Recycle issue?

Lots of wonderful ideas for using up scrap clay, old canes, and creating beautiful work from old and broken items plus plenty to more new ideas to motivate and excite you:

  • Learn new ways to reuse old canes and scrap clay
  • Read the inside story on the Stroppel cane phenomenon and the art it’s inspiring.
  • Become inspired by Ron Lehocky’s heartwarming story of how he uses polymer to better the lives of children and the environment.
  • Use digital devices for paperless Inspiration and Organization
  • New Technique: Dye Polymer with Old Silk ties
  • Peek into the fabulous Las Vegas Clay Carnival
  • Find out what it’s like to form a vibrant global community with this issue’s profile on Voila.eu.com
  • Discover new product in our reviews on Swellegant, Shades of Clay cutters, & All-in-One CaBezels
  • Get help from other readers’ organization ideas
  • Immerse yourself in the stunning gallery art… altars, winding ropes, layered translucence, and more


Haven’t read an issue yet? Try a sample here or beter yet order this new issue and read all about the Stroppel Cane and take a look at some of the incredible work by artists from around the world.

Sample Issues of The Polymer Arts magazine … for the polymer clay artist


I have so much to share from my trip to GA and Fandango that I’ll be posting about it all for a week or two. I’m still trying to get unpacked and caught up with my trades and orders.

Suzanne Ivester and I are working on our magazine, Polymer Porfolio and are excited about how it is coming together. I had the opportunity to film a couple of the artists that we are featuring while I was at Fandango. Look for Barbara McGuire and Denise Graham in some wonderful videos when our first issue is released.

And no, we don’t know when that will be exactly, but you’ll be the first to know……