Polymer Clay Canes for Beginners

27 videos, step by step, beginner cane workshop beginner Cane Tutorial What people are saying about this tutorial. jennifer rose Just finished this first workshop on how to make canes, and I must say I learned so much. This is exactly what I have been looking for, someone who could explain cane making in a step by step that process that I could replicate. I watched the videos, went into my studio and began to create all of the canes Alice showed. I finally have results I can be proud of, and I say thank you so much for doing this workshop. My only question now is when do we get more workshops. If you are only going to take one online class let it be this workshop. Thank you Alice for your hard work, and your dedication to helping others learn the joys of polymer clay.

Online Workshops with Alice Stroppel


Member IPCA

Member IPCA

Catching Up or What I’ve Been Up To

It’s been over a month since I’ve posted here on Polymer Clay Etc. and so much has happened. All good, exciting and fun.  You might have seen these images and heard all this before on Facebook etc. but this is for my friends who aren’t on those other social media sites.

First of all I had a private Pen and Ink workshop with Mary Jane Reinhart and she created a great bracelet that day. You should see the work she’s doing now, fabulous! Plus she’s so much fun, I love having her in the Studio.

Mary Jane Reinhart

eye - Mary Jane Reinhart

I was over the moon when I received the newest addition of Belle Armoire Jewelry magazine,  just before I left town for a retreat.

Belle Armoire Jewelry Magazine 

Laurie Prophater wrote a wonderful article about a challenge she proposed to Meisha Barbee, Julie Eakes and me when they were all staying at my house and playing at Studio 215 while Meisha was teaching. (Read about the fun we had here.) I’m thrilled to be published along with these talented women. Thank you Laurie for thinking of such a enjoyable project.

Next I met up with several claying friends in Denver, Syndee Holt, Julie Eakes, Meisha Barbee, Libby Mills, and Emily Levine, we had a great time.  Crazy but oh so much fun!

syndee, Julie, Meisha


Then it was on to the retreat where we exchanged bowls. 25 incredible bowls came home with me and this exchange started me on my bird obsession. I posted about my bird bowls and my larger bird wall piece here.

I came home with many wonderful things from an auction we have every year and I purchased some lovely pieces from my friends to sell at Studio 215 with more to come. I can wait to share some of them with you. I’ll be posting them on my Studio 215 blog and on my Studio 215 Facebook page. If you’d like to see what I’m up to at the Studio, sign up to receive a notice each time I post, my newsletter, and like my Facebook page.

I can be found on Instagram , Twitter,  and Tumbr too. Whew.

Last week I was featured by Cynthia Tinapple on Polymer Clay Daily  and that is always treat and a compliment. Thank you Cynthia.

I was featured with my newest face that I created for the auction at the retreat. I was flattered that there was many bids on it.

Alice Stroppel Face 8-15

I made this cool graphic using an app called Canva. My friend Meredith Arnold shared this with me and I can’t stop using it. Very cool, thanks Meredith.

Here’s another graphic made with Canva showing off my newest bird weed pot prototypes that I worked on while on retreat. I hope to get more of these done showcasing different critters and characters. I’m smiling and that is always my goal, to create things that make me smile.

Alice Stroppel bird weed pots

The beginning of September brought more laughter and fun at Studio 215 when several of my favorite people came to take a Profile Face cane class with me. We had a great time for sure.

Polymer clay face cane studio215--9-3-15

Dottie, Kathryn, Barbara, AnnaMarie, Majel, and Mary Jane are new converts to polymer and I believe they aren’t getting away without clay sticking in they brains. They’re having as much fun as I did with I first started, but they’re lucky to have others to share the experience. Thanks, ya’ll are making me so happy to see you having so much fun and making such cool things.

Then to top it all off, Kathryn Obidzinski has been my apprentice for several months now and before I went on retreat she started a palette knife polymer clay self portrait. I think she created a wonderful piece. I know she had fun, learned a lot and I hope I can reel her in to explore polymer clay a bit more.



I’m spending the rest of the day prepping for the Houston Polymer Clay Guild’s Lone Star Retreat. I’ll be teaching along with Randee Ketzel and Sarah Shriver. Next month it’s Sandy Camp in San Diego. Just too much fun!!!


Thanks for stopping in, Alice



syndee holt and Studio 215 on Facebook





I’m really looking forward to syndee holt’s visit this month. When I saw her at Sandy Camp in San Diego last year  I invited her to come stay a day or two with me before she went to Orlando Clay Fandango.

Then when Studio 215 happened I asked her if she want to teach. Always one to share her knowledge she said yes. She’ll be here to teach Mokume Gane on Tuesday April 28, 2015 from 5:30pm to 9:30pm.  Download the flyer and application here.

By the way, I’m thrill to tell you I will be teaching a master class at Sandy Camp this year, such a fun group.

syndee holt - Mokume Gane

I just started a Facebook business page for Studio 215, if you are on Facebook, I’d love it if you’d like the page, I’m at 464, 500 would be so nice.  Thanks in advance.


Studio215 Facebook page

Deciding what to sell at Studio 215 is turning into a interesting adventure. Of course my main reason to be there is to teach polymer to more people. And just so you know, I really want to hold small live online classes and that’s what I will be working on this summer. Sebring is a winter town for many people and most of our visitors have gone home for the summer leaving downtown quiet and a perfect time for new things to developed. Stay tuned.

Alice Stroppel Silver

It’s truly fun to be in  the studio and see what people respond to. I am really having fun just putting all my fun bright canes on things people are taking to their homes or giving as gifts. Very satisfying indeed.

I have been surprised and pleased at the response to these fun wine glasses. Seems like I’m having to restock often but it’s great fun and I love making new canes.

Alice Stroppel wine glass

My Salt and Pepper girls are finding new homes as well. Earrings and pendents are waving goodbye too.

I’ve not neglected my larger work though. Here’s a piece that I’m working on that will be 39 x 28 when finished.

Alice Stroppel Wallflowers#2ds

No small task, pun intended, but one that I can truly lose myself in and extremely satisfying to say the least. So if I don’t post here as often as I use to, I’m creating, teaching, inventing and selling. See you somewhere.

Workshops for 2015 at 215


I was pleasantly surprised on New Years day to realize that 215 is going to be lucky numbers for me… 2015… Studio 215. I’m thinking good things are going to happen. I wish us all a happy, successful and productive 2015.

Just look at my class space set up with pasta machines, glass tiles, blades and tons of Polyform tools just waiting for you to come and play and learn. Kind of “leave your baggage at home”. Bring just what you need for that workshop and maybe your favorite blade.

Classroom at Studio 215


Classroom at Studio 215

Here are the workshops I’ve scheduled to teach at Studio 215 in January and February.  Studio 215 – 215 North Ridgewood Dr. – Sebring, FL

The exciting news for those beginning in polymer, my Studio is fully stocked with pasta machines, glass cutting boards, blades, and all kinds of great Sculpey tools. I have all  kinds of things for you experiment with so you can decide if polymer clay is for you before you invest. Or you may just want to come and make a project or two without having to own all the equipment. I’m also reserving one night a week as open Studio night with a small fee for those of you that have no place to work at home or just want to come clay with other enthused polymer people. no need to bring tools or equipment, just bring your project. Mondays will be open studio night beginning in April.  

New! Introduction to Polymer Clay

Instructor Alice Stroppel

full day $75     

Sat. Jan. 17               9am – 4pm 

Sat. Jan 31                9am – 4pm

two evening – 3 1/2 hrs. $45 each class

Mon. & Tues.  Jan. 19  & 20           6pm-9:30pm

Mon. & Tues.  March 2 & 3            6pm-9:30pm

     In this beginner’s workshop you’ll be able to work with polymer clay without the expense of buying all the tools and equipment needed for a successful experience. You’ll learn how to condition, cane, create and cure.

I’ll teach you how to make a Skinner blend and fill you in on some of the rich history of this incredibly versatile medium.

We’ll make a few basic beads and you’ll wear your new necklace home.


Building an Essential Cane Inventory      

Instructor Alice Stroppel 

 one day  $75 

Sat. Jan. 24          9am – 4pm 

Sat. March 14     9am – 4pm     

    Have you put off learning to cane because you believe it’s too hard, complicated, time consuming, precise, uses too much clay _______ fill in the blank? You not alone, but I can help.

If you like my style of work, I want to assure you that my canes are easy, fun and not at all precise. I don’t make large canes and I use every little bit of clay to make some interesting accent canes to use in all sorts of projects.

I firmly believe that you will be delighted at how much more creative and productive you’ll become if you have your cane inventory waiting for you when an idea hits. If you have to stop and make each component cane before you can begin, most times you won’t even start.

This class is for all levels of expertise, the only requirement is that you know how to make a Skinner blend and that you come to class with your Skinner blends and plugs already made. I’ll provide you with instructions ahead of time.

If you are a beginner, you should begin with my Introduction to Polymer Clay workshop or class before attending this workshop. Or teach yourself the basics online with the many free tutorials available.



Meisha Barbee Mica Shift Workshop

Master Class

Instructor – Meisha Barbee 

Mica Shift with Appliqué’ Pendant

Meisha Barbee is coming to Studio 215 in Sebring, FL and will be teaching surface design. You won’t want to miss this workshop. 

In her own words, “On the first day, students will make an array of small canes in a pleasing color palette to be used in creating a finished pendant. This will include my Signature “Fractured” mica cane. 

Students will be encouraged to bring their own personality to the work by applying their unique color and design sensibility. I will provide color consultation to those students who need it. 

The second day of the class will be for constructing the pendant. I’m a firm believer that Good Design doesn’t have to be labored. I will share my simple construction and finishing techniques, so every student should go home with finished work they can be proud of.”

 No Refunds given after two weeks before class date. Balance due two weeks before  workshop begins.  

To reserve your seat, contact me at alicestroppel@gmail.com 

As a winner of the Niche Award in 2008 and finalist in 2011, Barbee has been recognized as a leader in her field. A member of the International Polymer Clay Association, as well as her local San Diego Guild,

    “I’m inspired by good design. I spend my life seeing and responding to good design all around me. It’s just something I do naturally, so I think I’m tuned in to current trends without really trying. Color and design are my passion. I respond to the color and patterns of textiles, textures in nature and architecture, the harmonious balance of interior spaces, and so on. Good design is everywhere. I also appreciate and respect good craftsmanship. It speaks to the integrity of good design, and I always try to execute my designs with that in mind.” Meisha Barbee



 Sat. & Sun. –  Feb. 21 & 22,  2015

9am – 4:30pm

PLUS – Syndee Holt in May and Randee Ketzel in June! Maureen Carlson in 2016! Amazing amount of fun coming. Stay tune for more information on these Workshops