Polymer Clay Canes for Beginners

27 videos, step by step, beginner cane workshop beginner Cane Tutorial What people are saying about this tutorial. jennifer rose Just finished this first workshop on how to make canes, and I must say I learned so much. This is exactly what I have been looking for, someone who could explain cane making in a step by step that process that I could replicate. I watched the videos, went into my studio and began to create all of the canes Alice showed. I finally have results I can be proud of, and I say thank you so much for doing this workshop. My only question now is when do we get more workshops. If you are only going to take one online class let it be this workshop. Thank you Alice for your hard work, and your dedication to helping others learn the joys of polymer clay.

Online Workshops with Alice Stroppel


Member IPCA

Member IPCA

syndee holt and Studio 215 on Facebook





I’m really looking forward to syndee holt’s visit this month. When I saw her at Sandy Camp in San Diego last year  I invited her to come stay a day or two with me before she went to Orlando Clay Fandango.

Then when Studio 215 happened I asked her if she want to teach. Always one to share her knowledge she said yes. She’ll be here to teach Mokume Gane on Tuesday April 28, 2015 from 5:30pm to 9:30pm.  Download the flyer and application here.

By the way, I’m thrill to tell you I will be teaching a master class at Sandy Camp this year, such a fun group.

syndee holt - Mokume Gane

I just started a Facebook business page for Studio 215, if you are on Facebook, I’d love it if you’d like the page, I’m at 464, 500 would be so nice.  Thanks in advance.


Studio215 Facebook page

Deciding what to sell at Studio 215 is turning into a interesting adventure. Of course my main reason to be there is to teach polymer to more people. And just so you know, I really want to hold small live online classes and that’s what I will be working on this summer. Sebring is a winter town for many people and most of our visitors have gone home for the summer leaving downtown quiet and a perfect time for new things to developed. Stay tuned.

Alice Stroppel Silver

It’s truly fun to be in  the studio and see what people respond to. I am really having fun just putting all my fun bright canes on things people are taking to their homes or giving as gifts. Very satisfying indeed.

I have been surprised and pleased at the response to these fun wine glasses. Seems like I’m having to restock often but it’s great fun and I love making new canes.

Alice Stroppel wine glass

My Salt and Pepper girls are finding new homes as well. Earrings and pendents are waving goodbye too.

I’ve not neglected my larger work though. Here’s a piece that I’m working on that will be 39 x 28 when finished.

Alice Stroppel Wallflowers#2ds

No small task, pun intended, but one that I can truly lose myself in and extremely satisfying to say the least. So if I don’t post here as often as I use to, I’m creating, teaching, inventing and selling. See you somewhere.

Alice Stroppel’s Studio 215

Alice Stroppel's Studio 215 2014

Alice Stroppel’s
Studio 215
215 Ridgewood Dr.
Sebring, FL 33870

What a whirlwind! One month ago I purchased this wonderful building in Historic downtown Sebring, FL. It’s two blocks from where I grew up and so special to me because it belonged to my great friend Janet King and I hung out there loads of times in recent years.

I renovated  the building inside and out. I’ve enjoyed having my studio at home and I will still be working there, but I wanted to spend more time teaching and sharing what I’ve learned about this incredible medium, polymer clay.

I will be featuring works by  two of my favorite people, watercolor artists and  Florida Watercolor Society Signature Members, Janet F. King and Alice Hansen.

I have a permanent fully stocked workshop space for 8 students and room to hold larger workshops for up to 16. Pasta Machines, tools, tiles, etc. I’ll be starting classes for both beginners and experienced polymer clayers in January. I will have everything you need to create your first pieces.

And more exciting news is that I will be hosting workshops with some of the talented polymer and multimedia artists in the country. Meisha Barbee and Laurie Prophater will be here teaching in February and Julie Eakes, master caner,  will be here hanging out with us.

Meisha was my partner and made the first collaborative pendant with my Stroppel Cane that was featured on Polymer Clay Daily. An incredibly talented artist and colorist, you won’t want to miss this workshop.

Laurie has promised me an exciting class as well. Laurie is the owner of Ornamental Elements .com  and has been featured in numerous magazines including Belle Armoire and Polymer Clay Cafe.

Two artists that inspired me in the early days of polymer are coming to Studio 215. Syndee Holt has promised to come teach a couple of workshops in May of this year. Syndee is a representative for Sculpey and has been featured in more articles and publications than I can mention here. She is the author of Polymer for the First Time.

Maureen Carlson will be here in 2016. Maureen is owner of Maureen Carlson’s Center for Creative Arts in Jordan, MN and has a long list of credits from TV to published books. Maureen has her own page on Amazon.

As you can see, I have great plans for Studio 215 and some surprises so stay tuned.

My posted hours will be Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 11:00am to 3:00pm. But that doesn’t mean I won’t be there most of the time teaching or working on my next big project.

I’ll be posting classes sometime next week but I can tell you now that I will be having open studio night every Monday from 6pm until 9:30pm, prices to be posted later. This will be a time for you to come and play and share and enjoy the company of other enthusiastic clayers.

Grand opening news to come.

Thanks so much everyone for your encouragement and kind words.




A colony of flamingos and a muster of peacocks




Polymer clay flamigos - Alice Stroppel workshop


Look at these great flamingo bracelets made by my friends Sydney Carter, Emma Simpson, Charline Ahlgreen, Tyra Ahlgreen, Sara Pietruk and Linda Eastman. We had so much fun they all wanted to do it again the next day only this time it was Peacocks. I just love how each one turned out.

A giant thank you to Polyform and Iris Weiss for donating the clay for this workshop. Everyone was delighted and they used every bit making canes and Skinner blends for these funky, fun bracelets


Charline decided to made something different with her peacock. So cool…

Charline's Peacock - Alice Stroppel

Charline's Peacock - Alice Stroppel

Thanks everyone and I’ll see you again soon.