Polymer Clay Canes for Beginners

27 videos, step by step, beginner cane workshop beginner Cane Tutorial What people are saying about this tutorial. jennifer rose Just finished this first workshop on how to make canes, and I must say I learned so much. This is exactly what I have been looking for, someone who could explain cane making in a step by step that process that I could replicate. I watched the videos, went into my studio and began to create all of the canes Alice showed. I finally have results I can be proud of, and I say thank you so much for doing this workshop. My only question now is when do we get more workshops. If you are only going to take one online class let it be this workshop. Thank you Alice for your hard work, and your dedication to helping others learn the joys of polymer clay.

Online Workshops with Alice Stroppel


[caption id="attachment_102" align="aligncenter" width="100" caption="Member IPCA"]Member IPCA[/caption]

I Voted!!!

I know that there is early voting, I know my husband voted last week, I know that. But since there is never that many people where I vote, I like to vote on “voting day”. Silly I guess, but I’m proud that we have a voting day where I can vote with no fear…I’m thankful. I voted for freedom.

Americans, did you vote?

The Other Side of the Canister made with a Profile Face Cane

Profile Face Canister Side 2

Profile Face Canister Side 2

Here’s the other side of the canister made with two different profiles. You can see the other side here. The hair from both flow around half the canister. It  was fun to do and I think it will go next to my coffee canister and hold …let’s see…..flour? NOT sugar…oh no…pasta maybe.

Necklace from Last Weeks Focal Bead

Necklace Alice Stroppel

Here’s the necklace  I made with the focal bead from last week. Fun to make but the other beads aren’t as large as I think I would like. I like big and bold, giant statements to make people take notice.

Tomorrow another experimental day, it’s so hot here in the daytime that I can spend all day claying most days. Too hot to work in the yard or do much of anything outside, so clay wins again.

Highlands Art League Fund Raiser – Sebring, FL

This weekend, in Sebring, FL, a whole lot of fun will be had at Art’s Speakeasy. Highlands Art League is  holding this event to benefit the array of activities and events that they present each year.  If you’re looking for something fun to do this weekend and at the same time help support the arts, Sebring is the place to go. The art and prizes that will be auctioned will amaze you!
Also, If you’re an artist or crafter and are looking for a festival in Florida to participate in, check out Highlands Art League’s Festival in Nov. 2010.

Highlands Art League

artwork by Shirley Callis Stone

Art’s Speakeasy

To Benefit Highlands Art League

On May 8, 2010 AT 6:00 PM

At The Village “Where Art Lives”

1989 Lakeview Dr. – Sebring, FL – 863-385-5312

Bootleg Open Bar & Gaming Tables

Great Gatsby Food & Music

Art, Artifacts & Get-A-Ways Auctioned

20’s Attire Optional

S75.00 Per Person

Gaming Table Sponsorships Available

Magical Faces and Color Mixing Demos with Barbara McGuire at Fandango

Face by Barbara McGuire

I’ve left Barbara McGuire for last because I had a chance to get to know her better than the other artists at Fandango. I’ve already posted about the incredible face class I had the opportunity to take with her and how much fun it was.

One of the demos Barbara McGuire gave was placing one of her faces on a base to make a large focal bead like the one in the photo above.  I purchased this one from Barbara that night. She used her new stamp on this one and demonstrated those as well.

But before that, I was truly excited to watch her demonstrate her color mixing techniques. This demo had Barbara with her pasta machine and an array of colored clay. After watching Sarah Shiver and Julie Picarello mix their colors using the skinner blend method, I was finally driven TO the edge by watching Barbara. It actually took attending that small face class to send me OVER the edge and soaring into a world that I have been just sticking one tiny finger in. I haven’t been this excited since I made my first face cane almost 10 years ago. The combination of all of the artist’s techniques came together for me and I was gobsmacked.

I loved learning how to make a face the way Barbara does, but I have my own voice that I am still training. I may never produce anything but jingles, but I will continue to strive for a symphony. Just this last few days I feel like I’ve been set free. Mixing colors will never be the same again.

It was such a pleasure to get to know Barbara and I appreciate all that she shares with us.

I feel that finding our own creative voice and a way to use it is what we are all striving for and I know Barbara has started a new publication to help us do just that. She was kind enough to share a bit about her Woman Creative postcards in the following video. Enjoy.

To find out more about Barbara, her products, where she’s teaching next visit her website.  Be sure to take a minute to check out Woman Creative.

My Polymer Clay Class With Christi Friesen at Orlando Clay Fandango

My Mirror from Christi Friesen's Class

Day three at Orlando Clay Fandango puts Christi Friesen at the teachers desk. By this time my class had our heads full of color blends and sheeting and slicing and drilling and we are ready for Christi. And she is ready for us.

We get straight to the fun part, playin’ and smoshin’ and pinchin’ the clay. We all become clay warriors, fighting with nothing by our fingers and our sense of design.

I think most of us in my classroom planned it this way..Sarah first, so we would be mentally fresh to understand the complexities for her techniques, Julie, because we still needed the edge to comprehend her methods and then..tada…Christi, freedom from perfectly placed and constructed clay.

by this time we are crazy funny, all of us, with Christi putting us over the top. To describe her sculpting techniques she uses technical words like, “wiggly scribbly stuff, mossy bits and funky stack-up and bead plant thingys.” Thingys being a favorite word of mine for a very long time and I am proud to say I use it often.

But don’t think that this was not a serious class with serious stuff to learn, oh no…. many of my fellow classmates worked until almost 11:00pm, not because it was hard..oh no..but because they were having such a great time creating Friesen-like masterpieces. And trust me, some of them were more than fabulous.

Me? I was following the instructors around trying to gather them up for a video. Actually it took me two days to do it. “Yeah Alice, right after supper.” “In ten minutes Alice.”  “After my demo, I promise.” “I just have to finish showing everyone how to make this mouse. Alice, geez….”Okay, here we are, where do you want us?” “Your extention cord doesn’t work, Alice are you kidding?”

What a great group, seriously, it wasn’t about them, it was about making sure their students were taken care of first. Ya’ gotta admire that. Thanks ladies, it was worth it.

Oh yeah, Christi, if you want to laugh, this is the instructor, if you want to unleash your inner, playful, creative soul, this is the instructor. If you have a chance to take  a class with Christi, don’t hesitate, you’ll have a blast.

Visit Christi’s website for more information, to buy her products and to see if she’s coming to a location near you!

My Class with Julie Picarello at Orlando Clay Fandango

My Items From Julie Picarello's Class

My Items From Julie Picarello's Class

It was the second day at Orlando Clay Fandango and in my classroom we had an new teacher. Julie Picarello had moved into the teachers chair and we all gather around to see what’s was in store for us.

Julie’s tips on color mixing was worth the price of admission. Her knowledge combined with her clear instructions made her class a joy to take. She shows you simple techniques that enable you to  create a finished piece of work you can be proud of.

By lunch time we were all so into what we were doing and Julie said we needed to finish the step we were on so it could rest, none of us left for lunch, including Julie. The other classes made fun of the “detention” class and Julie instantly was branded as a slave driver. ( Don’t misunderstand, we wanted to stay, we were “into” it) We finally went to lunch! And we did get to dinner on time, and like Sarah, Julie was back after supper ready to help us with whatever we needed.

Needless to say the teasing continued on into the next day, with lots of laughter and friendly class competition.

Julie provided a great handout that takes you through the process with colored pictures. This certainly helps when you get home because you are learning so much in such a short period of time that it’s difficult to remember all the steps. Sarah and Christi made sure we went home with instructions also, but Julie included a handy source list as well.

I haven’t finished my pieces yet and I have lots of slices ready to mount, but I’m pleased with the results.  Including the lizard tail….

Another fabulous day at Fandango, and I haven’t even begun to tell you about the demonstrations at night with Maureen Carlson and Barbara McGuire

To see Julie’s work, find out her teaching schedule, and what she’ll be up to next, visit her website.

Orlando Clay Fandango Retreat 2010

I had THE best time at Fandango. I have so much to share with you, you won’t believe it. The thing is, I have an opportunity to take a class with Barbara McGuire the Queen Bee of face canes, I’m going and that means I won’t get my videos online until I get back.

So you’ll have to wait until this weekend for the two videos from Fandango. The first gives you a look at the wonderful women who put this event together for us to enjoy. Volunteers!!! All of them, fabulous, Eva Walker, Nancy Welch, Brenda Moldthan, Nita Baker, Tanya Johnson, Mary Jenkins, and Nita Jenson and scores of other volunteers.

Then a video featuring the five fabulous polymer clay artists that taught and demonstrated this week. You won’t want to miss this up close look at some of your favorite stars. They are without a doubt fun, fun, fun and include Maureen Carlson, Barbara McGuire, Christi Friesen, Julie Picarello, Sarah Shriver.

Then last, really…last, I’ll show you some of the things I made. (If you were at Fandango, you probably already saw it all because I was showing everyone…..even when you went running and screaming the other way when you saw me coming.)

I don’t think anyone there realized how happy I was to meet so many wonderful clayers. (and too late Tanya and Nita, the word clayer now includes you both)  I’m thrilled that I could be there this year.

I was blown away by the talent of some of my fellow classmates. If you think that the internet is full of fabulous pc artists, it really is only the tip of the ice burg. And kids, the iceburg is growing daily. No warming going on in the polymer industry except the clay itself.  So hold on to your hat’s it’s only going to get better.

See you this week-end.

Recreating a Favorite Cane in Polymer Clay

Coral Leaf Cane Bracelet

Coral Leaf Cane Bracelet

I had a favorite cane, like the coral leaf on the bracelet above. I made it a long time ago and have used it on many of my projects. It’s a simple cane using the Skinner Blend method for both the coral and the silver of turquoise in the middle.  I wasn’t sure if I would remember what colors I used, but it was simple. Cadmium Red and white and turquoise and white. They make quick and easy, beautiful, tropical blends.

Color Chart

Color Chart

This time I’ll make a record of the color. For the last year or so, I’ve been making color records of my blends. I mix my color and then run a piece through the pasta machine at about #6 (very thin). I cut a small circle from that and heat set it with my heat gun, then glue it in my color book. Then I make Skinner  blends from it and do the same thing with bits of the blend. I like being able to write on the pages and make notes if I want to.

Color Rings

Color Rings

I’ve tried lots of other ways to record my color experiments like the color rings above. On the one on the right, I carved the recipe on the back. The one on the left, (I must have been out of my mind) I made these little circles with the recipe typed on the computer. I had to set them up on the computer, print them, cut them out and then glue them to the samples. After a couple of years, some of the recipes fell off!!!

Today, I like my book the best.

There’s lots of information out there about color charts, the most recent is by Maggie Maggio on her blog Smashing Color. The Article Documenting Your Color Mixes is very informative.

Oh, by the way, the bracelet is going to my Etsy shop.

Polymer Clay Cuff Bracelet Added to Etsy Shop

Girl Night Out - Polymer Clay Bracelet

Girl Night Out - Polymer Clay Bracelet

I’m happy to be working with clay again today. I have so many face canes in so many sizes, I wanted to continue to use all of them. So today I went from the very large pins I was doing to these small girls on one bracelet.

Girls Night Out - side view

Girls Night Out - side view

I’ve posted it for sale on my Etsy site.

Girls Night Out - side view 2

Girls Night Out - side view 2

I also baked another bracelet with white space waiting for pen and ink. Fun for tonight. Plus an experiment with glitter that I’ll share with you next week.

It’s good to get back to play…I mean work.