27 videos, step by step, beginner cane workshop
What people are saying about this tutorial.
jennifer rose
Just finished this first workshop on how to make canes, and I must say I learned so much. This is exactly what I have been looking for, someone who could explain cane making in a step by step that process that I could replicate. I watched the videos, went into my studio and began to create all of the canes Alice showed. I finally have results I can be proud of, and I say thank you so much for doing this workshop. My only question now is when do we get more workshops. If you are only going to take one online class let it be this workshop. Thank you Alice for your hard work, and your dedication to helping others learn the joys of polymer clay.
It’s that time of year again! Artist Lisa Swifka from A Whimsical Bohemian is holding her 5th and final event. If you don’t know what One World One Heart is here’s a quote straight from Lisa’s blog,
“One World One Heart is a worldwide event for bloggers only. It gives all those who blog a chance to meet and mingle and form connections with those they may not have otherwise met from all over the world. In the past 4 years this event has grown to over 1,000 participants with lasting friendships (and even one love connection) formed along the way. Think of it as a GIGANTIC open house allowing you to travel without ever leaving your home……..going from blog to blog(in various countries) seeing the wonder each one has created and meeting all the fabulous people behind those blogs. As a bonus each blogger participant will offer up a “door prize or prizes”….just for dropping by, saying hello and seeing their world. It’s really that easy.”
If you’re a blogger and want to join in, you can read more about it on A Whimsical Bohemian.
Tomorrow I will be posting my prize for this year. If you are a blogger and have your own blog, you can enter to win simply by leaving a comment. But you must have a blog, those are the rules. 🙂
I’ve been spending a lot of time with my photos for Etsy. Cutting each bracelet out in photoshop, from each angle mind you, that equals five separate pictures. Then creating a background etc. I feel like I spend as much time with the pictures as making the actual piece.
Many people have pieces that lend themselves to soft backgrounds or they are just great at picture taking. I want to clay…..not spend hours trying to get ready to sell.
I had this digital collage that I worked on awhile back and it was back and white checks with the saying , “treat me no differently than you would the queen” When I made my “Alice in Wonderland” bracelet, I thought of it and printed it out and used it as the background.
I thought it really worked for this bracelet. So I tried a piece of fabric that I had for the next bracelet that day.
And this wasn’t bad either. At least I didn’t have to spend the time preparing it for Etsy. But we’ll see how it’s accepted by my customers. Translation…will it sell????
I have a really great big book of clip art and I found some pretty neat backgrounds and will be trying some of them as well. I liked the words in the background of the “Alice” bracelet, maybe I’ll play around with that some too.
If you don’t have clip art, you can make your own background with regular copy paper and markers. I’ll be trying that too I think and I’ll let you know.
Adele Madder sent me this beautiful ornament all the way from Australia. Isn’t it lovely? Adele is an OOAK Polymer Clay Mixed Media Artist and her business is “Madele’s Miniatures”. I met Adele on the City-o-Clay’s Yahoo group forum.
I’m delighted, thank you so much Adele. You can see some of Adele’s work on her Flickr site.
I also wanted to thank Nena Sabo from Katherine Art Jewelry for featuring me on her blog. I am honored and thrilled that she liked my Lady in Blue enough to want to show her to her readers. Nena has decided to feature artists on her blog and I for one will check her blog often.
It’s wonderful to be meeting some many talented people from all over the world. Gotta love the internet, bring people together that never would have met otherwise.
I just keep coming back to Alice and the poor flamingo from time to time over the years and here I am again. I really, really enjoyed this one. Fun, fun.
I loved the colors and drawing the skirt. My sister drew herself a set of paper dolls and clothes when I was just a little girl. They had lots of folds and shading and I just loved them. I thought they were the prettiest things in the world.
I always wanted to draw like her and of course my Dad. I didn’t really ever try to draw until a couple of years ago. And because I didn’t get instant wonderful results, I would give up. Then I’d come back again and again until I feel like I would wear these, so maybe someone else will like them too.
I want to thank all those customers that have purchased one of my bracelets from my Etsy Shop, or told me you liked them, either here or on Facebook or Flickr. It encourages me to make more, not to mention makes me smile from ear to ear.
This is another of my “face bracelets” I had lots of fun with this one too. Okay what don’t I have fun doing???? Not much if it is with clay or creating of any kind.
Gotta have the lips, lol……………
And the colorful eye………Both of these bracelets are for sale in my Etsy Shop, thanks for taking the time to stop by.
I was making inchies for the International swap and fell in love with the little squares. After I finished all my valentine squares for the swap, I couldn’t wait to put some of my girls on the little squares and make some beads. This bracelet is for sale in my Etsy Shop.
And naturally they have to be friends, a blonde………
Another blonde………
And one with black hair…….a twist on my girlfriends bracelets.
And how could I not include a set of big lips???
I used buna cord for stinging. I didn’t want to have to make four more focal beads or a bunch of little ones. It seem to have worked very well. I wore it around the studio all day yesterday and it was very comfortable.
Here’s another of my pen and ink and polymer clay bracelets. This one has five panels and no canes, so there are more pen and ink drawings than usual. I’m crazy about animal prints. I keep waiting for them to go out of style, but it doesn’t ever seem to happen. I had fun with the Lady in Blue and decided to add color to this girls too.
She has her leopard shoes and purse and a zebra scarf in her hair, she’s ready to go to your house. *g*.
Visit my Etsy shop for this and more crazy, funky pieces of artwork to wear…or just hang around here and watch some videos…..
This is a bracelet made from Zentangle canes I made several months ago. I don’t know why I haven’t made more in all this time, too busy making other things I guess. But a tutorial is on my list. I’ve listed this one in my Etsy Shop.
I’ve also listed black and white cuff in the picture below in my Etsy shop. I don’t care how many bracelets I make like this, they still continue to sell well.
They’re fun and bold and really stand out with a pair of black jeans and a crisp white shirt, my favorite look still.
I got very focused for the last couple of days and have really accomplished quite a bit. On Wednesday I couldn’t get online at all and spent the whole day on the phone with my carrier. Yuck….but I’m back here and ready to go.
I have two finished black and white bracelets, one Zentangle, and 7 black and white waiting for pen and ink. I’ve listed this bracelet in my shop and will list the other two tomorrow.
I’ve also just finished 20 inchies for a Valentines inchies swap with Polymer Clay Italia, the first Italian polymer clay guild. I can’t wait to get 20 inchies back from this group. Actually it’s an international swap with Leila Bidler from Polymer Clay Italia as the sway mistress.
There are swappers from Italy, USA, Germany, Serbia, UK, Switzerland, and the Netherlands, exciting! I can’t show you mine yet, but I will after everyone has theirs, next month sometime.
Plus, I’m in another Treasury. I can’t believe it and I’m thrilled.
This Treasury was currated by artbymar, Maria Soto Robbins, and she’s from South Florida, Miami to be exact. You can see here tropically influenced artwork in her Etsy shop. Thanks Maria
I’m thrilled to be included in another Etsy Treasury. This time Marsha from LunasLoot used my Lady in Blue as inspiration for this lovely treasury called, TaDa, “Lady in Blue”.
LunasLoot sells Supplies and Vintage Goodies Marsha has accumulated over the years, plus she’s been so kind to me and has included many of my items in her treasuries.
I made this fish with the same technique that I used to make the larger fish to your right here on my home page, only this one is small. You can make your own fish mosaic by watching a 20 minute video when you sign up for my newsletter.
Patricia makes the coolest pieces in ceramics. I own a couple of her faces and she owns my eyes and lips necklace. You should take some time to visit her shop, you”ll love it.