Polymer Clay Canes for Beginners

27 videos, step by step, beginner cane workshop beginner Cane Tutorial What people are saying about this tutorial. jennifer rose Just finished this first workshop on how to make canes, and I must say I learned so much. This is exactly what I have been looking for, someone who could explain cane making in a step by step that process that I could replicate. I watched the videos, went into my studio and began to create all of the canes Alice showed. I finally have results I can be proud of, and I say thank you so much for doing this workshop. My only question now is when do we get more workshops. If you are only going to take one online class let it be this workshop. Thank you Alice for your hard work, and your dedication to helping others learn the joys of polymer clay.

Online Workshops with Alice Stroppel


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Pen and Ink Ladies on Polymer Clay

Pen and Ink Ladies

Pen and Ink Ladies

I’ve had this bracelet staring at me for months. It had plain white places waiting for drawings. I sold the one that was featured in a Etsy Treasury and decided I’d better get busy and finish this one. It’s for sale in my  Etsy Shop.

Here’s a post I did months ago featuring the process and where I think I got my inspiration, from my Dad of course.

Now I think I have about 4 ideas in my head and today I’m going to get one of them in motion, I just need to decide which one. The thing is, even if I make a decision, I don’t always end up where I thought I would. But that’s the exciting part even though it still leaves me with my original idea still undone. Ah, what a life.

Black and White Cuff Bracelet

Black and White Cuff Bracelet

Black and White Cuff Bracelet

I’ve produced quite a few things in black and white in the last week or so. Here’s another bracelet going to my Etsy Shop. Black and white is very popular and continues to be a good seller with or without one of my faces.

The little black dress, black slacks, suits and t-shirt will always be a go to staple in our closets. I like working with graphic polymer clay elements and creating these pieces that are bold and eye catching. I’ve used both canes and extruded snakes and dots for this bracelet.

I want to thank everyone on my email list for all the super responses to this last issue. Thanks you guys!!!

The Cat..American Allie

American Allie

I was off on another mission today. Had visions of cat dancing in my head. Here’s just one that I’m listing on Etsy tomorrow, too tired tonight. I love mixing colors. More pictures will be on my Etsy site. I love fantasy and cats and color, can you tell? I also made several face bracelets too. A good day.

Bib Necklace Finished with Bracelet to Match

Bib Necklace - Polymer Clay

Bib Necklace - Polymer Clay

New Items for sale in my Etsy Shop!

I finished the bib necklace and made a bracelet to go with it. The colors were fun to create and I loved making the canes. I really enjoyed figuring out how to make the bib part too. I used the largest round pastry cutter from a set I purchased from a restaurant supply house in Tampa. Cut the bottom, then moved the cutter up and cut the inside curve.

I think I’ll make a short video next week or if I have time this week, I’ll try to fit it in.

I have to laugh at myself because a have suddenly gotten very busy, both with polymer, and personal. Maybe it’s just that the summer is over and things always seem to move faster then. Whatever it is, I’m not complaining, I’m having a great time.

Bracelet - Polymer Clay

I have to tell you that Friends on Facebook have been so complimentary about the bib necklace. It’s really great to get such feed back. I wish it were here…. but Facebook make it so easy and everyone is there. So it works well and it helps to get super encouragement from other clayers. Thanks guys.

Well I’m off to get my clay conditioned for my Profile Face Cane class with Orlando Area Polymer Clay Guild. Can’t wait, they are so much fun.

Polymer Clay Bib Necklace

Bib Necklace - Polymer clay

Bib Necklace - Polymer clay

Far from finished, not even baked yet, but I’ve not blogged in a week and was having withdrawals. I’ve been teaching, getting ready to teach and creating new canes. All the Halloween colors inspired me for these I guess. Still playing around with them for other applications.

I made this a bib necklace because I wanted to see all the canes together. I also wanted to show my class what they can create, besides beads, with the canes they are learning to make.

I’ve also been walking. I promised myself that as soon as it cooled off a bit, I’d get up from my clay chair and get moving. Well, it’s still 90 in the afternoons, but in the morning and at dusk, there has been a great breeze and the humidity is down, so I’ve had to keep my promise. Let’s see if I’m still motivated when it’s 30 out. (now come on, for me that’s really cold)

What have you been working on?

New Polymer Clay Tutorial – Tropical Leaves

Frame Made Using Leaves From Tutorial

Frame Made Using Leaves From Tutorial

I’ve finished my Tropical Leaves tutorial and it is now for sale in my Etsy shop. It’s another 40 minute video with 7 full 8 1/2″ by 11″ pages with step by step instructions. Colored drawings clearly show you the way to complete each cane.

 Tropical Leaves - 9 canes

Tropical Leaves - 9 canes

You’ll learn how to create all of these canes and yes the “vine” is a cane as well. I reduced them all down a bit to create the frame above. I also added a few other canes and bit of color to complete the overall effect.

I’ll be making a couple of other items with these canes so stop back soon.

What is a Polymer Clay Cane? – A Video

I posted this short little video on Facebook for an old high school friend. We have been following each other there and she has been watching all my posts about canes. She sent me a message asking about the canes and wanted to know what they were exactly.

So if you’re a clayer already, you’ll probably just want to skip this short subject, but if you are new to polymer, you might enjoy it. Either way, this one was made because Karen Pepper Ingram asked.  Thanks Karen!


Tropical Leaves Polymer Clay Canes

Tropical Leaves

Tropical Leaves

I’ve been creating tropical canes. I’m going to do several color combos but I made one skinner blend and it resulted in these canes. I went ahead and made these different canes with the same colors just to record what I did. When Laquita Cater was here, we were looking through my canes and she asked how I made some of my tropical canes and to tell you the truth, some were so old (or maybe it’s me that so old) that I couldn’t remember exactly what I’d done and certainly not how I reached my mixed colors. So I’m kind of on a mission at Laquita’s request, to create a tutorial of tropical leaves and plants.

I do want to show how to use one skinner blend to end up with all these diverse canes. I’ll be choosing the different color combos and maybe listing several of them in the tutorial.

Just looking out my window gives me lots of inspiration, plus there is always the internet with tons of pictures of tropical plants. So I’m off to create.

Bud Lapel Pin – Polymer Clay

Bud Pin

Bud Pin

I forgot to post this yesterday. I made this lapel pin out of the same canes that I used to make the necklace in the last post. Just messing around and experimenting.

New Colors and Canes Added to My Polymer Clay Adventures

Focal Bead

Focal Bead

Okay, time to add new things to my polymer clay adventures. I am venturing into the land of beads. Didn’t think I really ever wanted to do jewelry, because everyone does jewelry. Then I found that the cuff bracelet were a great canvas for my  face canes and didn’t require a lot of finishing. Which by the way is the most important reason why I didn’t want to do jewelry. I didn’t have the equipment, didn’t really know how to put things together professionally and wanted to spend all my design time claying, not jewelry making.

But the more time I have to clay, the more canes I make and have to use up. I love making canes, they really can be satisfyingly creative. Using them to make focal beads maybe something that maybe able to help me continue to experiment with color and design.

I’m learning about finishing and my friend Laquita said she’d help me with any questions I might have. So nothing ventured nothing gained.

I have this quote on my wall from Shel Siverstien. (Where The Side Walk Ends).  I live by it. The only thing is the line that says, “she ate from the plate called TASTE ME and down she shrank so small” is not true in my case! Wouldn’t it be lovely if it worked that way? I taste…right to my waste.


She drank from a bottle called DRINK ME
And up she grew so tall,
She ate from a plate called TASTE ME
And down she shrank so small
And so she changed, while other folks
Never tried nothin’ at all